Teaching And Culture

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Teaching and Culture

Teaching and Culture

Asia: History and culture

Asian culture is without doubt one of the most important in world history. Its history, tradition and richness have fascinated people all over the world, leaving it clear that west still has a lot to learn. There is no single homogeneous culture throughout the Asian continent, rather what given is a diversity of cultures, which have some similar traits, certainly, but also show significant differences (Paley, 1993). This is also true within countries, where we found large differences between the customs and traditions on either side of it. The culture of Asia chiefly known for its language, cuisine, religions, tribes and festivals.

The most important cultures of Asia are China, Japan and India. The cultures and traditions in Asia are almost inexhaustible source of wealth that modern man is just beginning to know. Whether China or India or Sri Lanka or Burma, all Asian countries, offer a rich culture that even today remains largely hidden from this side of the world.

Misrepresentation of Asians

There are over 6,000 languages; most of them are now only maintained by small groups. English is the mother tongue of 5.6 per cent of the world's population (14.3%, Mandarin, Hindi, 6%, Spanish 5.6), are nevertheless more than half of the contents of the Internet in English.

The twelve internationally used languages are almost exclusively of European origin. At the top is English, French far behind, followed by another three intercontinental languages: Spanish, Portuguese and, increasingly, Mandarin. The UN has the working languages besides English and French with Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish and four other official languages. Language barriers can have a chilling effect on cross-border mobility (Paley, 1993). The willingness to overcome language barriers is more pronounced in men than in women, and it continues to rise with educational attainment and income, while it decreases with increasing age.

As far as Asians concerned, they are misrepresented in United States, and after 9/11, it has been observed that there was a great pressure on Asian people in United States. They have been seen as terrorists, extremists, etc. Due to the illegal practices of few Asians, all the Asian community mistreated and misrepresented in United States. Therefore, this is a point of ponder for our politicians and teachers to spread the message of peace and harmony among different cultures.

Discuss ways that staff can engage in culturally-appropriate behavior with the children and their families and demonstrate an appreciation of their background while also respecting each student as a single person. The educational aspect reinforced, by the way, thanks to the constructivist approach applied to classroom education while not merely rejected the practices of a behavioral approach combining completed school education, under the sway and dominance of the first approach. This involves a process of change in the tradition of schooling, and their replacement by other pedagogical practices settled in the background to the school that has a child. Thus, situated learning in a socio-historical context embedded in structured programs and provision of a stimulating learning ...
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