Teaching Mile Moderate Exceptionality

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Teaching Mile Moderate Exceptionality

Teaching Mile Moderate Exceptionality


Many models assert that the process of self-awareness of how one learns may be the most useful part of learning style information. In many models learning style information is seen as a key component in “learning to learn.” When learners understand how they prefer to learn and find ways to incorporate their learning preferences into a variety of learning settings, they can become more effective learners. Thus, the purpose of learning style information is to increase learner awareness about how they prefer to learn, so that they can learn more effectively. Learners who understand their own learning styles can also recognize and seek learning situations that match their preferences and learn to develop skills and strategies for success in conditions that do not match their learning preferences (Allwright, 2005).


Individual differences in learning style can be seen as preferences or as stable traits. In most learning style models, a learning preference is not thought to be the same as a trait or ability. However, in some theories, learning styles are thought to be relatively fixed characteristics or traits inherent within individuals. When learning styles are seen as relatively stable or unchanging, the theory's emphasis is on the need for teachers and trainers to adapt learning strategies and settings to accommodate the needs of learners with different learning styles. Within these models, it is often proposed that it is essential for teachers to be aware of all learning styles and to be able to accommodate them. Teachers are encouraged to present the same information in multiple formats and to provide optional learning assignments and options (Allwright, 2005).

However, matching learning to the learner's style is not always possible. Most theories tend to see learning style as somewhat adaptable and assert learners can succeed in a ...