Teaching Strategies

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TEACHING STRATEGIES Teaching Strategies for Figuring out Words

Teaching Strategies for Figuring Out Words

Objective of the Study

Over the past two decades, the transformation of the school curriculum of primary education in US has been updated by the Teaching Strategies for Figuring out Words. In this paper, we will discuss the teaching Strategies in reference to teaching grades Pre-k through grade 4. The new guidelines for these discipline programs reflect a genuine interest in renewing the mandate of the discipline school by bringing all the stakeholder of the discipline to reconsider perspective of learning and formulate strategies to help children in learning. Performing all of these methods will guarantee that the teacher gets a better understanding of what they have to deliver, and this will improve the teacher's skills in the class room.

The modern teacher will assist all learners to learn for themselves unlike years ago when books were handed and told to get on with it. Research is vital to any teacher and enhances the delivery of subjects for all concerned. All learners will learn at their pace, fast and slow, this is where the teacher draws on experience of knowledge. Many 'modern' syllabuses written in terms of the competencies that are to be achieved and the assessment associated with them relates to assessment in the work place.

For improving teaching pattern, they will continue to evaluate and reflect on their teaching methods, also to listen to their learners. They will continue to analyze data and interpret their findings to the learners. Class meetings are one way to encourage such dialogue. Teacher believes that children have greater respect for their teachers, their peers, and the lessons presented when they feel safe and sure of what is expected from them.

Fig 1: Figure out Words

Teaching Strategies for Figuring out Words

Phonics means teaching children the sounds each letter or combination of letters makes and how to decode words through knowledge of those sounds. Whole language uses phonics as one of a variety of strategies for teaching children to read and emphasizes figuring out words by recognizing the whole word. "The bureaucrats know full well that (poor black) children do not have the middle-class jump start from their home environment," said Todd (Bandura, 2000 pp 312). Relevance and pedagogical usefulness of the developed program stems from the fact that over the last decade in US has been a consistent trend to deterioration in health indicators of children to preschool and school age.

"When you have a home environment where you have single mothers, teen mothers, who have difficulty reading themselves, you now have a situation where the home environment is not making a contribution to the pre-literary skills that whole language requires," said, Todd. Phonics also got a boost from state Superintendent John Benson, who is so enamored with the idea that he has hired University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh professor Bob Nash to help MPS improve its reading scores (Bailey, 1999).

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