Technical Writing

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Technical Writing Questionnaire

Technical Writing Questionnaire Question No 1

Because of the fact that technical writing serves a variety of purposes, its importance in today's world cannot be ignored. Any piece of writing containing factual information about any machine or equipment or any other technical aspect can be termed as Technical Writing. However, technical writing covers many other grounds "as well". On a broader level, memos, statement policies, reports, business proposals and fact sheets fall under the radius of technical writing (Michigan Department of Education, 1998). Hence any piece of precise, correct and practical information written with the aim of training, teaching or guiding a person will simply be called as Technical writing.

The basic objective of any technical writing document is to inform the audience about the product or procedure to operate and use any product. Therefore, such documents can be considered as an effective means of communication between the target audience and the company owning or producing the idea or product. Hence, the idea or data in the document should be easily understandable despite being accurate and useful. A well written technical document gives the reader the complete idea about the product in all aspects. Moreover, the document must always be self explanatory so that the customer can perform the task correctly with no difficulty or confusion.

Therefore, be it science, business, law, medicine or any other industry, technical writing and documentation will always holds and prominent place. Often used are writing pieces like business letters, newsletters and minutes of meetings that and written by every company are scientific documents as they also provide some useful information for some audience.

Question No 2

No, I have never written a technical document or writing piece in the past. Genre of technical aspects of marketing communications, in particular, seems to appeal to me, and I would like to specialize in it.

The types of documents that come under this category include data sheets, brochures, pamphlets, press releases, catalogues, magazines, content for websites and many more. Technical marketing documents are for the pre-sales duration. These documents achieve a number of goals. First of all, they inform the target audience about what the product is. The second most important aim of this document is to inform the features and benefits of the product with respect to the target market to persuade the reader to buy the product (Thomas, 2003).

Moreover, with technology evolving with an exponential rate, on daily basis a number of products are launched. Hence, companies feel the need to remain intact with their customers. The companies must also keep the customers informed about the changes made in any product, features of an upcoming product and the general profit-loss status of the company. An ambitious company also makes constant effort in expanding the business further. Therefore, with the help of theses writing pieces, the company can advertise its progress to attract the new customers. Hence in order to flourish further, every company or organization needs constant marketing of its aims, objectives, products and ...
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