Technology And English Language Arts Standards annotated Bibliography

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Technology and English Language Arts Standards

Annotated Bibliography

Technology and English Language Arts Standards

Merkley J.D, Schmidt A.D. & Allen G. (2001). Addressing the English Language Arts technology standard in a secondary reading methodology course. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Nov2001, Vol. 45 Issue 3. Wiley- Blackwell. pp. 220-231.

Question Investigated

What should teachers do to integrate technology with learning in a classroom? Does the integration of technology in the lessons of secondary English major subjects affect the learning of students? What is the importance of technology use in teacher education?


The growing emphasis on enhancing the self directed learning among the students is a result of construction of meaning on individual and social personality of students. Teachers must give students an opportunity to use technology in the classroom in order to foster their learning, reasoning and the ability of critical thinking. Technology can facilitate the teachers and students in progression of making meaning and sharing the results. The integration of technology in the core English language curriculum standards will enhance the overall process of learning among the undergraduate standards. The students of undergraduate level having the English language art course tend to leave the class because they think that teachers are not familiar with the use of technology and that they can easily learn through technology use rather than learning in the class. Therefore, the integration of technology in the undergraduate methodology course of secondary English majors is required for the effective learning process. Teacher education must include a lesson to integrate technology in order to enhance the learning process of students.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Argument


The authors in this article have rightly pointed out the use of technology in teacher education system. It will not only help the students in learning process of secondary English language art course but it will also help the teacher in delivering the lesson.


The authors should have presented a proper curriculum for the teachers' education in the integration of technology with class room lessons. Some teachers are not friendly with the use of technology in the class room of undergraduate research methodology students.


The integration of technology in the curriculum of English language arts standards course is important and beneficial for both the teacher and students of the class. Teachers can support and foster a constructivist method to learning by using technology as a tool in the process of deriving meanings and supporting inquiries. The technology integration in core English language arts curriculum will improve the overall process of learning in the undergraduate students. Teacher education for integration of technology will help the teacher in delivering the lesson. Teachers must appreciate the benefits obtained from technology including technology as a cognitive instructional tool.

Jonathan S., Fredrick C. ,Guangming L., Linda C. & Namrata T. (2009) Examining the Validity and Fairness of a State Standards-Based Assessment of English-Language Arts for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students. Journal of Applied Testing Technology; 2009, Vol. 10 Issue 2, pp. 1-33. Educational Testing ...