Teenage Depression



Teenage Depression

Teenage Depression

Literature Review

Depression: A little recognized problem among young

People generally tend to see adolescence as a period of confusion, full of mood swings and intense emotional events. In fact, adolescents, approaching adulthood, they face many new challenges and social pressures, and some are living with this difficult transition. Many, including experts, used once, to minimize these changes in mood and behaviour, judging normal manifestations of adolescence, "a phase" to be overcome in order to grow. There is however a growing number of evidence that these problems are not always a normal part of growing up. For many teens, symptoms such as lack of joy, confusion, isolation, misunderstood and considered to manifest a rebellious attitude can be a sign of a mood disorder (Goldman, Greenberg, et al, 2006).

Researchers say that teens can get sick from depression as adults.

At any age, depression is a condition that should be taken seriously, because it is accompanied by great pain and can significantly interfere with daily life, with social functioning and general well being. In severe cases, depression can lead to suicide and, unfortunately, over the past 30 years, the suicide rate among young people has increased gradually, not counting the deaths due to risky behaviour with suicidal value. Fortunately, depression responds effectively to adolescent treatment interventions: But these are not always implemented because the disease is often not recognized. Parents, teachers, doctors and anyone close to young people should make an effort to recognize depression and intervene when necessary. If you think you know a young man who is suffering from depression, you're in a position to help him (Marriott, Kellett, 2009). It is rare, in fact, recognize that an adolescent to be depressed, because young people may be reluctant to tell others of their feelings of sadness and their emotions. This text is designed to help you recognize the signs and symptoms of depression many young people, especially those who may be "hidden" it is difficult to identify. In addition, this article aims to offer encouragement, given that depression is treatable and that shortly after treatment initiation, the depressed youth will be able to see life in a light of hope (Whalley, Hyland, 2009).

What is depression?

To define the depression could be argued that all of us, adults and young people, and feelings of sadness we feel in certain moments of our lives no more or less direct connection with certain events. These are normal situations of life and resolve by themselves without treatment. Conversely, a person suffering from depression will often "go it alone". When we use the term depression, it means with disease duration and severity of specific symptoms considerably. A depression can seriously undermine the ability of an individual to face life and, as we shall see, may even be life threatening. It is important to reassure depressed people convincing them that they are not "crazy" and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Depression is a normal disease, and there 'is no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed to get depression any more than there can be any influence to suffer (Wexler, Butler, 1976)...
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