Teleological Argument And Theory Of Evolution

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Teleological Argument and Theory of evolution

Teleological Argument and Theory of evolution


The argument between those who support the teleological argument and those who support the theory of evolution has been continuing unabated for many decades. This is going to be the likely case for many more decades to come. It will only be with the further advancements in science and technology that proponents of the opposite arguments may reach some consensus.


Teleological Argument

This is the argument of those who believe in the existence of God, and they base their support on the evidence that suggests that the design of the universe was planned in a way that would support human life. The teleological argument according to its proponents is defined as the interpretation of a given statement according to its purpose. The word teleological comes from the Greek telos end, and the noun logos idea, concept, word, reason, and ico suffix, or corresponding relative. Consequently, the teleological concerns for everything related to the idea or the reason for the purpose or purposes. The semantic field of the Greek noun telos can be divided into two camps which encompasses the notions of function, purpose and wholeness and that includes notions of aspiration and intention (Scherer, 1965).

Teleological Argument - Argument in favor of Design

The supporters of the teleological argument reduce it to the design. The case that the universe was designed to support life on the planet of earth finds wide support, and it is this wide support that enables those who support the teleological argument to find solid ground. Even the secular scientists have been observing that there is a strong possibility that the universe was designed to support life on earth. This is called "The Anthropic Principle." (Duemer, 1995).

These people have wide support from religious groups and those who ...
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