The Adolescents Females In The 21st Century

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The Adolescents Females in the 21st Century


The paper discuss about the adolescent women in the 21st century. However, it also highlights the major factors that can be shows that how Sexual stereotypes and their distortions of the sexes are divisive, and they interfere with our being intimate and loving in our close relationships.It is a fact that at the dawn of the new century, adolescent sexuality remains a topic of concern to adults throughout the world. This has not been a unique problem to this new era. Thus, the adolescent male and females are engage in sexual behaviour, especially in the sexual intercourse and all its consequences. The only that has experienced a change is the ability for preventing the serious consequences of the behaviour and avoiding the risk for the any negative consequences for experiencing their burgeoning sexuality.

The Adolescents Females in the 21st Century


The history of adolescent and youth sexuality in the last 100 years clearly shows that it cannot be seen only in the context of youth subculture. It is an important element of overall sexual culture of society and subject to the same laws of development. Many phenomena, which at a superficial glance seem to age, are in reality cohort. They can only be understood in a broad cultural and historical context and in the long run.

It is a fact that Hundreds of thousands of women are alive today because of well-spaced and healthy pregnancies. Many more women than before are emancipated from illiteracy, largely because of political commitments to educate girls, followed by global campaigns and local reforms (Williams, & Best, 2010).

Discussion and Analysis

Studies of sexuality in adolescence are at present one of the proposals of analysis within the medical sciences, focused from a gender perspective, the object of study of social sciences in U.S and elsewhere in the world. Contrary to the fears of the moralists, it does not lead to impoverishment and the impoverishment of sexual life. In contrast, the level of sexual satisfaction with this generation is higher than the previous ones.

The term adolescence comes from the Latin word suffer, it means suffering, it was considered only a transition between childhood and adulthood, but today there are sufficient grounds to consider it as a step in the process of human development and unique to our species. To define this stage, with criteria based on age limits, have encountered serious difficulties, primarily with regard to the age of termination for the high variability usually found in this group. Throughout the centuries, our sexuality is formed in the culture of "NO", the prohibition, repression, fear, silence, moralizing sermons and isolation. Traditionally it has been surrounded by a halo of harmfulness, guilt, repression and denial. If these criteria have been widely applied to adults of diverse ages, how will your practice in children and adolescents (Schope & Eliason, 2004).

In this way are identified basic aspects of the situation of adolescents, such as poor preparation for married life, love, marriage and family, creating problems such ...