The American Soccer

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The American Soccer


This research paper is based on the American history of Soccer. The history timeline of American Soccer has been briefly explained. The event which occurred and through which the soccer game faced rise and fall in the American history has been highlighted. Along with that, the acceptance of Soccer in America and its current situation is also listed in the following research paper.

Table of Contents



The relation of Pasuckuakohowong with Soccer2

The ancient Foundations of Soccer2

The Japanese game, Kemari3

The Greek game, Episkyros3

The Roman Game, Harpastum3

Soccer banned by the English Kings4

The early Beginning of Soccer4

The association of Football and Soccer5

Evolutions and the Standardization5

The Oneida Club7

Rules Consolidation7

The U.S Soccer House7



The American Soccer


Soccer is one of the favorite and well-known sports over the entire world. The affection for Soccer in the world could be seen by the different parts of the world who contributed towards the history of Soccer, referred as related football. The concept of Soccer originated from the people's way of kicking a ball with the feet. Besides, that the style of playing the ball differed, but the perceptions were same. The history of soccer displays the fact (Goldblatt, 2008). The basic origins and starting of Soccer are tough to nail down. During the Han Dynasty, in the 200s C.E. Soccer found playing by the Chinese. The game called “Cuju”, which means kickball”. Cuju played in the same pattern of today's modern Soccer. It played through a stitched ball kicked into goals. After that, Soccer-like games evolved in Japan to the Pacific Islands and Australia and Asia from the Malay Peninsula. In the Americas, especially in South and Central America, people used to play standardized ball games came across from each and every civilization lasting from B.C.E centuries. Rubber only found in Mesoamerica, that is why ancient bouncing balls only found in Mesoamerica (Murray, 1996). Less interest in ball games seen in the ancient cultures of Europe. A Celtic-speaking culture was the only standout of the North Western Europe. Soccer appeared on the front out of the various Celtic ball games in the period of 1400s and 1600s in England.


The Pre-History of Soccer

The Latin word 'Pasuckuakohowog'

The term 'Pasuckuakohowog'group of people congregated to play with the ball by their foot. In the 17th century people used to play Pasuckuakohowong. Beaches were the famous gaming spot for this sport at that time. More than 500 people played Pasuckuakohowong. The game used to be considered as rough because the people used to play it like a war. People used to get their bones broken or suffer from severe injuries while playing this game. The players of Pasuckuakohowong used to wear ornaments and apply war paint so that they could make their appearance different from the opposite team (Nauright, 2012). This was done to prevent safety from the retaliation which could take place after the game. The match used to long till hours or even at times days. A lavish party used to be organized after every match.

The relation of Pasuckuakohowong with Soccer

The variations of Soccer ...
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