The Daily Show As A Sole News Provider

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The Daily Show as a Sole News Provider


The main evening talk show last decade, which received a prestigious Emma Award for eight consecutive years - "Daily Show Jon Stewart (The Daily Show with Jon Stewart), that goes on TV Comedy Central. The effect of the "Daily Show" said at least what is here more than once walked Barack Obama (Goodnow, 7). At some point, the policy began to occupy so much space that the show Stewart was separated purely political 20-minute show, (Colbert Report, from 2005). Such a show in the grid every self-respecting American television. "Daily Show Jon Stewart" is known for its liberal orientation. In the U.S. it is considered that this transfer is effective in shaping public opinion: for many Americans, this show - the only news source. According to the ratings every night watching this program around for nearly half a million viewers - for the other programs on cable television this figure is unimaginable (Holt, 28). "Stewart Show" is often accused of scandal and partisanship, but the defenders of the television programs claim that Jon Stewart masterfully mocks any stupidity or injustice, regardless of the order in which political camp is the object of his criticism (Baym, 115). Every day broadcasted on the channel CNN.

An Annenberg study in 2004 reported that there is more campaign knowledge gained by the viewers of Jon Stewart The daily show as compared regular readers of news paper and watchers of News on TV. Dannagal Goldthwate author of the study stated that The Daily show Viewers have more knowledge regarding background of presidential candidates and current issues as compared to those who do not watch late night comedy TV. Exposure if Young have a belief that hard news shows only very informed, concise and relevant news. But the study also says that The Daily show itself is not the only and one because the viewers have great quality of Political Knowledge. It is reported by Glodthwate Young that findings of the study does not show that higher knowledge is spread among viewers of The Daily show only because of the show (Goldthwate Young 1).

Statement given by Glodthwate Young reveals that viewers of The Daily show get information from the show and other places as well. Criticism was made on the show which says that a twenty minute show based on Comedy can never given such quality information to make a person a well informed to all political issues. Despite these critics it was proved through evidence that The Daily Show provide sufficient amount of information and analysis on current affairs and it can also be considered that The Daily show is the only cause behind viewers such informed knowledge about politics so, we can say that The Daily show is the only provider of news regarding politics and current issues.

Claims and arguments began in Annenberg study conducted in 2004. Through statistics it was proved that The Daily Show viewers have more informed and quality knowledge about politics as compared to ...
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