The Decision To Enter Graduate School

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The Decision to Enter Graduate School to

Obtain a Master's degree

ReNee S. Watkins

Capella University


This paper provides detailed information regarding the desire to obtain a Master's Degree from Capella University. The paper discusses the desire and compassion to reach out to individuals. The paper also discusses the benefits of undertaking the Master's degree at Capella University, which is totally committed to Counseling Studies. Influential individuals and extensive research have led the aspiring student to pursue further education that will assist her in furthering the future goals.

The Decision to Enter Graduate School to Obtain a Master's Degree

The decision to enter graduate school and obtain a master's degree is heavily attributed to an individual's psychosocial development, or development of the person within a social context (Crandell, Vander Zanden, 2008). During the early childhood years, family and friends used to detect a certain compassion and innate desire to help others. Professional Counselors have always wanted to assist individuals, but there are some students, who are not quite certain about the field of study.

Being employed as a Patient Advocate in the health care field always helps an individual to enhance his/her customer relationship and interpersonal skills. Students and researchers frequently take pride in being an inspiration to many. During individuals' adolescent years, they often wondered if they wanted to become a registered nurse. The thought of genuinely reaching out to individuals tends to be their ultimate goal. Because of their warm and tender heart, influential individuals encouraged me to consider the field of Counseling. Having a desire to further his or her education influences an individual's decision to enter graduate school and obtain a master's degree.

An individual should make a choice that has an impact on the entire course of his or her education. While other classmates tend to make definite decisions about their career paths, some one who is interested in counselling profession should choose to implement a plan of development and growth for themselves.. As an adult learner, one should be certain that graduate school will allow an individual an opportunity for advancement in the field of Counseling. After an individual receives his or her master's degree, he or she hopes to reach out to those who need assistance. Being a good listener and critical thinker will make a difference in someone's life. After discovering the fact that an individual had a natural talent, he should immediately decide to pursue a MS in Counseling Studies. A Counseling degree will help him or her to make this world a better place. Every individual has experienced some great disappointments in life or faced some serious setbacks.

Baltes, Reuter-Lorenz, & Roesler (2006) highlight cognitive development as a concept that involves changes that occur in mental activity, including changes in sensation, perception, memory, thought reasoning, and language. These changes have occurred throughout the years, clearly differentiating an individual's early years of learning versus that of today. During the undergraduate years, individuals basically try to find a niche. As a student and ...
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