The Develpoment Of Victor Frankl's Logotherapy Model

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The Development of Victor Frank's Logo therapy Model

Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy

Discuss what you have learned about the development of counseling theories and how they are developed

Method of Choice in Ecumenical Pastoral Psychology by Ann V. Graber (Wyndham Hall Press) Ann Graber, professor of psychology at the Graduate Theological Foundation, has written a study that may add a new stage in our understanding of psychotherapy and its place in Western culture. The story of It is true that Frankl is known to many readers of his book, Man's Search for Meaning, the compelling story of survival in Nazi concentration camps.

Identify at least three features of logotherapy that reflect the larger body of Existential theory

For this task, Graber draws from his cultural heritage and primary education, years of professional experience as a psychotherapist, and his overview of the opportunities created by Viktor Frankl Logotherapy for the field of pastoral psychology. He presents his case with a clarity that can benefit psychotherapists, in particular groups of professionals working in the field of religion, spirituality and pastoral counseling. Logotherapy of Viktor Frankl was strong in three areas:

1. The historical context and philosophical wave of Logotherapy at the time of emergence.

2. Knowledge of speech therapy as a psychological process and as a professional community.

3. Original perspectives on the role of speech therapy in the current environment and future of the ecumenical pastoral psychology.

Graber is the school of Freud, Adler, Frankl and in the context of cultural history of Austria during the last 150 years, the Austrian Tyrol and the cultural richness of this environment. In the final section of the Logotherapy of Viktor Frankl, Graber has its own contribution to logotherapy movement, recognition and enforcement of logotherapy can make unique contributions to the larger field of psychotherapy. With examples ...