The Effectiveness Of Videoconferencing In Teacher Education At A Distance

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[The effectiveness of Videoconferencing in teacher Education at a distance]



I would like to thank to my supervisor supporting me throughout my project and giving his valuable suggestions. Finally thanks to all my friends and family for their utmost support and inspiration.


I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.

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Table of Contents




New technologies and educationvi

What is video conferencing?vii

Components of video conferencingviii

Interactive Videoconferencingviii

Interactive Video Conferencex

Effectiveness of videoconferencingxiii

Evolution of Distance Educationxiii

Conceptual Frameworkxix

Teaching Methods of Economicsxxi

Teaching Methods of Business Studiesxxii

The Importance of Distance Educationxxiii

History of Videoconferencingxxv

New role of the studentxxxiv

Other key aspects are:xxxiv

During The Video Conferencexxxv

After the video conferencexxxv

Videoconferencing in higher education institutionxxxvi

System Designxxxix


Use of Videoconferencing in Educationxl

Items to consider for using videoconferencing in the training processxl


Inclusion and exclusion criteriaxliii

Additional Online searchesxliii

Quality and Verificationxliv






 New technologies and education

Technology is playing an important role in education, facilitating amplifying and / or enabling the achievement of learning useful in developing personal and intellectual development of students as well as for communication with social groups. The recent European Commission report (2003) finds that, in addition traditional basic skills (reading, writing and arithmetic), educationist should pay attention to enable students master new information technologies and communication. Given this premise, we start from the consideration that the education system traditionally shaped and developed through social interaction and classroom members, should be subject to structural changes, functional and organizational consistent with such networks, phased systems distance learning with varying degrees of interactivity. The incorporation of the networks in teaching contexts should not be the sole basis factor novelty of them, but must be accompanied by a process of reflection and decision making to justify its use in a specific context. One such technology is video conferencing, which is presented, a priori, as one of the Internet resources of great communicative potential because it is based on audiovisual communication and has a great similarity with teaching contexts face and audio-visual media like television. Since the inception of commercial television in the forties, is has expressed a concern in technology for the transmission, reception, processing and handling of audiovisual information. This trend has been present mainly in the field of education where the video first and subsequently fixed support multimedia materials (CD-Rom and DVD) have been considered capable of handling media and, therefore, interactive, on Hence, some authors have considered the media as a new technology, along with telecommunications and information technology. Perhaps this trend is due to the visual is the first language man, the expression level (gesture and speech) and at the level of perception (Vision and hearing).

 In this regard, Bradey(2003) notes that "the video is a fourth generation in the evolution of distance education and the ...