The Future Of Information Systems

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The Future of Information Systems


The construction of an information system is the information on which decisions are made. Information system should be seen as human-computer system for information processing. At present, it was felt about the information system as a system implemented with computer technology. Although in general, an information system can be understood in non-computer version. Information systems are expensive to develop and operate; consequently, analyses to determine whether they are serving the desired needs of users, as well as the measurement of their performance, continue to receive considerable attention. Nonetheless, performance evaluation must be considered at a number of levels. At the top level, the value of the output of the system to the organization that supports it must be determined. Once these specific outputs have been justified, the performance of the physical system in achieving these outputs must be measured. This performance is a combination of the performance of programs, software, and the hardware equipment itself. In addition, the process of developing user requirement and designing systems to achieve them effectively is known as systems analysis and design and as requirements engineering. An information system may use various technologies; the historical development of information systems in organizations from Babylonian times. Systems that contain digital computers as integral parts are sometimes called computer-based information systems (CBIS) to distinguish them from earlier (i.e. manual) systems.


An information system is a complex object that evolves in an even more complex. It would therefore be unrealistic to undertake the development of such a system without using an appropriate method and without a thorough knowledge of some tools and techniques. The manual, entitled the development of information systems: an integrated approach to the transformation process, which can be sometimes referred noting Rivard and Talbot, proposes a method that emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach to process improvement and business development of information systems. It describes the main tools available to the analyst, whose information-gathering techniques, modeling tools and documentation of business processes and information systems, data normalization and entity-relationship modeling (Huber, Piercy, McKeown, 2006, 103-117).

In practice, the term information system is used in a very general sense, both in technical literature and in general publications. For example, in Computing Reviews, information system is a major category that has subcategories. Computerworld annually lists the most effective users of information systems. Sometimes the term information processing system is used when the focus is on the processing of information rather than on its use. The term data processing system is frequently used synonymously with information processing system.


Information systems accept (as input), store (in files or a database), and display (as output) strings of symbols that are grouped in various ways (digits, alphabetic characters, special symbols). Users of an information system attribute some value or meaning to the string of symbols. In this article, the emphasis is on the characteristics of systems rather than on the meaning attached to the output. One component of an information system is machines, or hardware, including the central processing units, or ...
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