The Impact Of Television Violence On Aggression In Children

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The Impact of Television Violence on Aggression in Children


Television was invented 50 years ago, but it was not popular at the time. In today's world, every family has at least one television in their home. Because the modern media more pervasive, children have more opportunities to be exposed to bad information (Kandel 247). Many parents are very worried about how the media affects the behavior of their children. On the other hand, the media provides benefits for children, such as education and entertainment. Thus, the government should regulate violence on television, at the same time; parents are responsible for guiding children on how to analyze the good or bad idea in the media.

Thesis statement

Does television promote violence and crime among children? Although the majority of people watching on television as an entertainment and educational way to spend time, some people think that too much violence on television and it affects our young people into becoming aggressive and put up with violence.


Television violence affects children's behavior. According to a study of television at New York University Child Study Centre "Children contain about 20 violent acts every hour... Children who watch a lot of violent television are more likely to change attitudes and behavior." In addition, if children do not receive guidance from their parents, they "can take from aggressive cartoons the message that" aggression works and victories "(Pecora Murray Wartella 389).For example, some children always turn them into weapons toys, especially this occurs mainly for boys. One reason is that they get the message of the cartoons. Many of the cartoons, as a rule, have real violence, that is, Superman and Spiderman.

Studies, George Gerbner, Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania showed that "children who watch a lot of television are more likely to think that the world is mean and dangerous place" (American Psychological Association 249). While most of this cartoon character, which punishes the bad characters and keeps peace in the world, it can be used another way of representing the sentence invalid characters, instead of fighting with them.

Thus, the children get the wrong message that aggression towards others can solve their problems. In addition, psychological research has shown "the children may become less sensitive to pain and suffering of others" (Herr45). Recently, school bullying is getting worse.

Minds of children are not mature enough to understand the context of violence they watch on television. Take the example of a psychic villain or murderer, who constantly bears the guilt of his actions (Christopher112). In the first case, the child misses perceive mental illness, which made the villain. In the second case, the child does not understand the emptiness in the life of the murderer. Thus, they are unable to understand the causes and consequences of evil behavior. They miss the complexity of the scenes on television. They mistakenly interpret the offender and tread the wrong path.

First of all, children become insensitive to the pain of others. They may become numb to watching something terrible violence. Secondly, the children feel that ...
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