The Paper Has To Include Why Traffic Laws Are Important And The Consequences Of Not Following The Laws

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The paper has to include why traffic laws are important and the consequences of not following the laws

Traffic laws are the integral reason for smooth and trouble free flow of traffic for all road users. If traffic laws don't exist no one will be liable and accountable for their mistakes and defending an innocent road user would become an impossible task. At one extreme, traffic law deals with those who have caused death on the roads; at the other it deals with behaviour which is inconsiderate rather than dangerous, such as parking on a yellow line. It is both about reducing casualties, and the efficient allocation of road space. (Wilkinson Pp. 88)

Traffic law also provides all those involved in regulating traffic with the legal framework to carry out their duties. This is potentially a vast subject; The Government needs to ensure that offences are appropriate; that penalties are appropriate; and the law is appropriately enforced. The public is rightly outraged at a legal system which considers death or injury as less serious if it has been caused by someone driving a motor vehicle. There needs to be change at all levels; in the way the police handle such cases; in the Crown Prosecution Service and in the courts. is unacceptable that “turning into a minor road and hitting a pedestrian” should be officially classified as careless driving. It is unacceptable that speeding should be seen as unimportant, until such time as death or injury occurs. Motoring organisations and the press have been quick to criticise local authorities for allegedly disregarding speed camera safety partnership guidelines about camera sites. We need a legal framework which allows all road users to coexist safely and efficiently, and gives appropriate weight to the desire of users of motorised transport to reach their destination quickly and efficiently, while safeguarding the interests of other road users. Bad driving is not victimless. (Ross Beaver 2006 Pp. 99.)

Over 3500 people die on our roads each year, and over 33,000 more are seriously injured. Pedestrians and cyclists are deterred from using streets which are dominated by cars travelling at unsafe speeds. Children have their freedom curtailed. And bad driving makes life more difficult for motorists themselves; regardless of the risks of injury, there is ample evidence that traffic would flow more freely if speed limits and road regulations were generally observed. The Government needs to ensure that offences are appropriate; that penalties are appropriate; and the law is appropriately enforced. The public is rightly outraged at a legal system which considers death or injury as less serious if it has been caused by someone driving a motor vehicle. Where the carriageway is of sufficient width and traffic speeds are low enough, motor vehicles can safely overtake bicycles without changing lane. There is enough width for a separate cycle lane even if one is not marked. The bicycle traffic and motor vehicle traffic can flow along the road at different speeds without problems, Motorists may not realise that a road narrowing ...
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