The Production Code And Its Effect On Classical Hollywood Cinema

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The Production code and its effect on classical Hollywood cinema


Hollywood cinema was one of the profit-oriented industries since its beginning, which requires significant attention to the tastes and expectations of the public, the widest and most popular, which is generally not designed style in which cultural backgrounds. The film was primarily made for entertainment purpose and that era is often regarded as classical era, even if it still existed in the post-classical era. The classical era had produced a lot of blockbuster and super hit movies but the movies of that time also had to follow the strict Production Codes commonly known as Hays Codes. Every movie that was made at that time had to follow each and every code which was designed to regulate the scenes depicted in the movies. (Leone, pp. 1-17)

Production Code for Motion Pictures or Hays Code

Censorship code that ushered in the M.P.P.A. -Film Producers Association of the USA) on March 31, 1930 and 1956 did not alter its contents. It was repealed in the 60's.

General Principles

(1) Does not authorize any film that can lower the moral level of the audience. Never lead the viewer to take a stand for the crime, evil, sin.

(2) The ways of life described in the film will be correct, taken into account the particular requirements of drama and entertainment.

(3) The law, natural or human, shall not be ridiculed and sympathy of the audience will not go toward those who violate.


(1) The murder.

(A) The technique of murder must be presented so as not to provoke imitation.

(B) Not show the details of brutal murders.

(E) Revenge, nowadays, is not justified.

(2) The methods of criminals should not be presented accurately

(A) Techniques of theft, chests-fort drilling and dynamiting of trains, mines and buildings should not be detailed.

(B) Observe the same precautions with respect to arson.

(C) The use of firearms will be reduced to the barest minimum.

(D) The technique of smuggling will not be exposed

(3) The smuggling of drugs and their use will not be displayed in any film.

(4) Out of the demands of plot and paint the characters, does not give rise to alcohol in American life.


The sacredness of the institution of marriage and the home will be maintained. The films will not assume that gross forms of sex are commonplace or accepted.

(1) Adultery and any illicit sexual behavior sometimes necessary for the Intrigue, should not be too precise a show or be justified, or presented in an attractive appearance.

(2) Scenes of passion.

Must not be introduced into the plot unless they are essential.

Will not be kisses and hugs of excessive lasciviousness in suggestive poses and gestures.

(3) In general, the theme of passion must be addressed so as not to arouse emotions or rude vile seduction: rape.

(A) They should never venture further in this domain, that of the reference, and then only when the plot cannot help it. These issues should never be an accurate description. Even the description of the victim struggling against the violation is prohibited.

(B) Are never appropriate for a comedy.

(4) The sexual ...
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