The Religions Of The World

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The Religions of the World

In many prehistoric and ancient religions, worship is bound together with magical practices. (a) Describe how this works in a particular ancient belief system. (b) Compare this situation with a modern belief system.

Magical aspect to some extent present in all religions, and in ancient Egypt, it was given a special meaning. The ancient Egyptian perceived magic as a real force. Since it was considered and treated very carefully - the priests had almost exclusive right to the use of magic. Holy priests kept secret knowledge given by the gods to reflect the blows of fate and protect its people (Pinch, p. 33-38). Most respected initiated into the mysteries of magic were the priest-reader. They were able to read the ancient books of magic, which were kept in the temples and palace libraries. In popular subjects they often appear like real wizards that can raise the dead and turn the rivers back (Pinch, p. 33-38).

But not all priests have the same power. Those who served the terrible plague goddess Sekhmet, engaged in healing magic. In Scorpio, exorcist's status was slightly lower. They were able to save the land from the poisonous reptiles and insects. The midwives also not neglected the magic in their work. Clerics perform rituals at dawn, ensuring one's own ritual purity. Under purity meant abstaining from sex before a magical act (Pinch, p. 33-38). Personal hygiene is also attached great importance. Artist of the ritual was taking a bath and put on clean clothes before you start to bring the expected fruits of the sacrament. Magic ritual consisted of two parts - the words that needed to say, and accompanying actions (Pinch, p. 33-38). In order for the spell to work effectively, it was necessary to correctly pronounce all the words, especially the secret names of the gods (Pinch, p. 33-38). The sequence of these words could activate the amulet, statue or elixir. By the way, the Egyptian potions sometimes had very eccentric ingredients, for example, the blood of a black dog, or the milk of women who gave birth to a boy. In the scenario of some rituals included dancing and music (Pinch, p. 33-38).

Causes of misery and disease by the Egyptians were supposed to be angry deities, jealous ghosts and alien demons. They had a system of magic that helps protect people from accidents, poverty, infertility, diseases and other misfortunes (Pinch, p. 33-38). Protective rituals were a very noisy procedure - stamping, shouting and other noise generated by rattles, drums and tambourines. These sounds have been able to get rid of an evil entity, plans to harm someone. Although magic is mainly used for good purposes - protection and healing, the rulers of Egypt did not shun destructive magic (Pinch, p. 33-38). For example, to destroy the enemy wrote his name on some object - a jar, plate or statue, and then the subject burned or buried in the cemetery. Egyptian sorcerers believed that in this way they share the fate of the ...
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