The Rise In Prescription Opiate Drug Abuse In Utah

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The rise in prescription opiate drug abuse in Utah


The term abuse of prescription drugs usually refers to abuse or non-medical use of psychotropic medication controlled, that is to say the use of a drug for a purpose other than the purpose referred to medical or psychiatric (E.g. to achieve a state of euphoria). Prescription drug use starts with legitimate reasons such as coughing, insomnia and pain, but repeated use moves the user along the way to the abuse of prescription drugs. Virtually all prescription drugs can be used for purposes other than those specified, but abuse cases usually involve drugs with psychotropic properties (Strom, & Rachal, 7). Among the making prescription, drugs most often abused include opiate painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants and amphetamines, as well as sedatives and barbiturates.

The class of opioid analgesics includes containing active ingredients such as morphine, oxycodone and codeine, while the class of sedatives including benzodiazepines, including diazepam (Valium MD) and alprazolam (Xanax MD), Medications often prescribed to reduce stress and prevent panic attacks. There were times when those of in the drug treatment field feel a little like Cassandra, the woman in Greek myth whose warnings fell on deaf ears. It is not because people do not care about drug abuse. No. it is because we have talked about it for so long. In this paper, we are going to analyze the rise in prescription opiate drug in Utah. The discussion shall be followed with statistics.


According to available data, Utah is among the largest consumers of medicines psychotropic drugs in the world, but there are few Utah statistics on the number of user's prescription drugs for nonmedical purposes. In fact, there is very little information on the extent of diversion and abuse of prescription drugs in Utah (Paulozzi, & Yongli, 613).

Possible Causes of Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse does not choose its victim. The prescription drug abuse begins when a person makes a conscious effort to use drugs nonmedical reasons. The other possible causes of misuse and abuse of prescription drugs are inaccurate advertising DirecttoConsumer, Online accessibility, and Prescription drug self-medication.

Effects of Medicine Misuse and Abuse

Drugs can kill! A long-term use of prescription drugs such as codeine, hydrocodone, methamphetamine, morphine or oxycodone can be fatal, especially when mixed with other drugs.


According to Utah State health department prescription drug abuse, has increased more than 400% in last 10 years. ABC4 news talked to two men recovering from prescription drug abuse and found that various drug abusers take drugs from cabinets of their friends and family. In Utah, the number of opiate prescription jumped to 400% from 2000 to 2010, reaching 235,599 people today. During the same period, government expenditures for the payment of OxyContin, a prescription opiate, increased by 1280%. So that the streets of Montreal, the heroine has given way to Dilaudid, OxyContin and the other prescription drugs. The Narcotics Control Board of the Utah said in its 2008 report that abuse of prescription drugs has increased significantly more than illegal drugs. The increasing abuse of ...
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