The Sociological Trends

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The Sociological Trends


Outsourcing is a phenomenon that is observed for hundreds of years and is used in various industries around the world. The purpose of the industry with outsourcing is the shift of operations that do not relate to their core competencies to separate the less expensive facilities. In theory, this not only reduces the bottom line of the company, but also allows them to concentrate on their core capabilities.

However, most companies give little or no regard to the protection of data they send to employers or potential harm faced by these foreign companies. Large external work related to information technology (IT) and software development with a human resource outsourcing and private military companies back is not far behind. Computer chips, and basic computer programs have been developed and sent back to the U.S. to be placed on personal and corporate computers, airplanes, automobiles and banks. Foreign scientists and programmers often educated in the U.S. before going back to their homeland.

In 1996 SEC report to the Senate Banking Committee has shown, for example, that Exxon total volume of bribes totaled $ 78 million in the period from 1973 to 1995. Lockheed Corporation had made secret payments totaling millions of dollars to help Lockheed achieve and maintain a business abroad. It was a bitter struggle between General Electric and Westinghouse for nuclear plant contract in the Philippines. Despite inferior technology, paying 17.3 million dollars, relative to Imelda Marcos, obtained for Westinghouse $ 500 million contract for two reactors. This dubious payments were two years sky rocketed the contract value to more than $ 1 billion. These and other charges, they said, "erosion of public support for government and threatens U.S. foreign policy. Record is replete with examples of such practices and their implications.

Byproduct of the Watergate investigation of illegal political contributions was the discovery in the early seventies that American corporations are also taking massive bribes to foreign officials to obtain favorable treatment in many countries - especially Third World countries. Follow the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure soon added to the furor and congressional investigations. Some corporations bribed to ensure that foreign businesses, the other to knock the competition, either foreign or domestic. There were bribes for tax deferrals, to obtain a license or permission to import material and human resources, or for other characters. More than 450 American companies eventually disclosed the SEC in the early 1990's of illegal or questionable payments overseas, totaling more than $ 1 billion of foreign public officials.

Senate Banking Committee, headed by Senator Frank Church of Idaho produced days of evidence and President Gerald Ford established a cabinet-level Task Force on Corporate Payment questionable overseas under the chairmanship of Minister of Commerce. As a result of the passage of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1994. Furor time was forgotten, but concerns remain among many involved in international trade, foreign firms are located on the competitiveness requirements of the Act. It is the purpose of this article to objectively evaluate the validity of this ...
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