The Tarasoff Case Analysis

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Analysis of Ethical Decisions: The Tarasoff Case Analysis

Analysis of Ethical Decisions: The Tarasoff Case Analysis

Identifying the ethical dilemma

Various ethical dilemmas related to the maintenance of confidentiality are inherent in the medical setting. So this case shows that the Poddler's act that is the killing of Tatiana Tarasoff. The health psychologist has a primary responsibility to the patient. The intricacies of such a responsibility can at times be easily overlooked amid the shuffle of multiple interventions applied by the medical team. Therefore, it is essential that all limitations and exceptions to confidentiality be openly discussed with the patient at the outset of assessment or treatment regardless of the estimated length of contact. Moreover, the alternative A shows the Dr. Moore should go to the police according to the ethical values and alternative B which shows that Dr. Moore should not involve the police in the case. So, the alternative A is better than the alternative B.

Understanding the situation

Issue pertinent to maintaining confidentiality is privacy for psychological consultations. It is often difficult to secure privacy for a clinical interview given that families and/or other patients might be present in the hospital room and the patient might not be ambulatory for the purpose of moving to a testing/interview office. When possible, it is recommended that the health psychologist pre-schedule individual time in the patient's room. Coordinating in advance with other members of the treatment team can often facilitate making such arrangements. Finally, the issue of confidentiality in medical settings can often be obscured by the numerous interventions and assessments conducted on a particular patient.

Stakeholders; List the stakeholders involved in the issue. Briefly describe each of their interests in the outcome.


Dr. Moore

Dr. Harvey Powelson

Rights and Duties

What is the stakeholder's right?

The right of police is to investigate properly against the thought of crime that was reported against the Prosenjit Poddar.

By what authority does the stakeholder have that right?

According to the law, the Police have all the rights to investigate and arrest the Prosenjit Poddar against the thought of criminal activity and take legal actions against him.

What other stakeholder(s) have a duty to protect the right named in (1) above?

Dr. Moore subsequently informed the campus police to protect the right.

What do the stakeholders named in (3) above have to do to perform and uphold their duties to the stakeholder with the right named in (1) above? ...
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