Theodore Roosevelt

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Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt


Roosevelt used their power as President in full when he came to help the environment. 14 March 1903 President Roosevelt created the first wild countries asylum on the island of Pelican in Florida Pelicans and other birds that are hunted and killed for their colorful and exotic feathers. Interior of the island protected bird sanctuary, Roosevelt from hunters. National Wildlife Refuge System is currently the largest in the world with more than 500 refugees (Davis 1990).

Just three years later, President Roosevelt signed the law on the preservation of American antiquities, most commonly known as 1906 Antiquities Act. This Act gave the President's authority to limit the use of certain public lands owned by the Government to circumvent Congressional oversight. Posted 230 000 000 Roosevelt acres protected. As President, he also created 150 national forests, including the Ocala and Coktohatci national forests in Florida, 51 Federal Bird Reservations including Pelican Island plus nine, 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon, and 5 national parks (Conniff 2001).

Foreign policy

Two naturalists of the American Museum of natural history have joined him on his study of Brazil. While in Brazil, he met with Indian and Pareci Nhambiquara Indians and others. He has researched the Amazon, Amazon, and hunted in the forest. Candice Millard (River, New York: ... Doubleday, 2005), when he returned, he was sad to notice that his progressive party, known as the "Bull Moose" was defeated and realized that when world war began, it was time to turn to more important things like problems with foreign policy. These are just a few of his journey while in America and abroad during his lifetime as a politician and a citizen (Bishop 1913).

After all these excursions and tours, Roosevelt was always ready and was a supporter of the war foreign policy. In 1916, when the nomination of the Republican Party, he was thinking about work, but decided to not supported or Hughes. In 1917, his family had shown great support for the war. His sons all enrollment and Ethel, his daughter has become a Red Cross nurse in Paris in u.s. hospital emergency rooms. When world war began and was included in the United States, Woodrow Wilson, he asked if he could begin a group of volunteers who were older than the age for development and to command them. Wilson refused Roosevelt, he supported the war alone. In 1917, his family had shown great support for the war. His sons all enrollment and Ethel, his daughter has become a Red Cross nurse in Paris in us. hospital emergency rooms. In 1918, after the Armistice, he also did not agree with Wilson and his plans for the world (Berman 1986).

Thulium, Patricia Theodore Roosevelt after White House New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005) Roosevelt lost his younger son, Quentin Roosevelt 14 July 1918 two shots in the head while in France, as a fighter pilot. Shortly after the death of his son, he was invited to the Republican Governor of New York, but denied ...
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