Time And Space In Elephant By Gus Van Sant

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Time and Space in Elephant by Gus Van Sant

Time and Space in Elephant by Gus Van Sant

It has been analyzed that the general non-space business society does not have a high level of concern in commercializing space apart from for those businesses presently operating in space with proven records. Nor is there a strapping conviction that space can or must be commercialized. There is even a need of indulgent as to how profits can be made in space, and there is substantial insecurity with regards to the laws, convention, and the role of government in space businesses.

Today's space businesses face noteworthy ambiguity with government and authoritarian agencies. Now that private venture is working in space, lots of important legal issues require to be addressed. The United Nations treaties that the majority space faring nations have established and signed did not reflect private sector space businesses or individuals asserting space as their own sphere for living, working, and playing. A number of space entrepreneurs trust that forcing several if not all of the issues occurring from these treaties to the courts is the paramount way to determine the latent conflicts.

Others believe that organizations must be formed to take over the business as well as legal planning aspects of those wanting to function in space. The problem is even more local and basic than treaties. In the United States for example, there are potential jurisdictional conflicts involving NASA, the FAA, and other agencies within the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defense, the FCC and other centralized agencies. These probable jurisdictional conflicts can generate problems and run up the costs for businesses considering or operating in space.

“NASA's leads center for the Space Shuttle program, the International Space Station program, space operations management, biomedical research and countermeasures, and the advanced human support technology program. The center's agency-wide assignments include extravehicular activity, robotics technology linked with human activities, space medicine, technology utilization on the Space Station, and long-range searching mission planning and design”. (Bilstein, 1989)

NASA's program approves science and engineering-oriented investigates to fly aboard the Space Shuttle for as little as $3,000 regularly funded by concealed industry. NASA patented technology can be licensed by entrepreneurs who, with the help of the business incubator, can carry to market new commercial products. NASA is examining the commercial market, ration in business plan development as well as investigation out venture capital. Devoid of such a helping hand, lots of start-up companies could not succeed.

“Highlighting the worth of moving NASA technology into the private sector is the exploit of spacesuit technology to fight porphyries. This inherited disorder reasons great and potentially dangerous sunlight compassion that can show the way to chronic skin disturbances”. (Bulkeley, 1991) 

The human space flight as well as investigation market is forecasted to be comparatively flat over the next ten years. This forecast is supported on budget projections for NASA, the primary customer in this ...
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