Topic Is Prostitution

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Topic is prostitution



Sex sometimes becomes a bartered service even within the sanctity of marriage. One provides sex for love, while another provides love for sex. Someone else finds warmth and attention within the act of sex. Like ants who send chemical messages to each other to convey both intricate and basic messages, sex becomes part of that type of communication even within civilized relationships (Pines, n.d. & Malick, n.d.) It is also a healthy outlet, too. We may not be animals who forage in forests but our desire for sex, or at least the actions, thoughts and feelings that come with it, are deeply part of whom we are. A primal desire must not be ignored or suppressed, but instead managed. Within the sanctity of marriage, balancing acts must be performed to ensure each member of the team is getting what he or she needs. From cleaning the house, buying new furniture, displaying one's affection and releasing stress, sex gets caught up in the mix and can sometimes become a bargaining chip. It is as normal as doing a favor or performing an act of kindness, when one is not in the mood. Much like when a chore must be done, one may choose or not choose to do it, depending on extenuating circumstances or immediate pressing demands. Sex, like everything else, is up on the table for 'sale' within marriage and other relationships. It is not a foreign concept to anyone who has ever been in a sexual relationship over an extended period of time. Usually there is no direct exchange of money, but natural exchanges in a give-and-take situation do occur when things are normal and healthy. So long as there are no heavy demands and freedom of choice exists, sex is a commodity of sorts.

The Effects of Prohibition The United States is rooted on freedom of speech, religion and trade. The first two are specifically mentioned early on within The Constitution. Those inalienable rights are not given to us by The Constitution, but are instead protected by it. So why violate the premise by prohibiting relations between consenting adults?

Some people believe that governments can make better choices for us, but it wasn't a vision the Founding Fathers had when they created The Constitution. The U.S. government is designed mainly to be run by the people, which is in direct opposition to modern liberalism that insists it control people. Yet, morally conservative groups that adopted this liberal view of government passed the Eighteenth Amendment to prohibit the distribution and sale of alcohol. Recall prohibition from 1920 to 1933 and remember the affects it had on alcohol consumption. Home producers created whiskey and bathtub gin. The price of alcohol skyrocketed in black market sales due to heavy demand and the greedy public officials who secretly monitored it, so it was believed. Bootlegging became an underground industry (Nixon, 2001). As a result prohibition did literally nothing to actually prevent alcohol from being consumed by the ...
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