Trinity Church, Boston, Ma

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Trinity Church, Boston, Ma


The Trinity Church is officially the Church in the City of Boston a parish of the Episcopal Church of the United States at the Copley Square district in Back Bay of Boston in Massachusetts. It belongs to the Diocese of Massachusetts. The parish covers about 3,000 households and was founded in 1733. With the various church choirs are connected, including Trinity Choir, Trinity Schola, Trinity Choristers and Trinity Chamber Choir. It is considered as the masterpiece of architect Henry Hobson Richardson (1838-1886), this imposing church is built in granite and sandstone (1877) inaugurated the popular Richardsonian Romanesque style. A massive central tower dominates the church, but its western porch that delights the eye with its sculptures and friezes Bible. A magnificent painting by John La Farge illuminates the interior, cool and dark.



After the former parish church near the town fire of 1872 burned down, under the former pastor was Phillips Brooks (1835-1893), one of the best known and most charismatic preachers of his time, the present structure erected. Church and rectory were of Henry Hobson Richardson designed, the construction lasted from 1872 to 1877, when the church was dedicated. The building established the fame of Richardson as an architect and is the archetype of the architectural style, as the Richardsonian Romanesque is called. It is characterized by a flat tile roof, the use of polychrome, heavy stones, heavy bows and a massive tower. The style was soon adopted in the construction of a series of public buildings in the United States.

The architect

Henry Hobson Richardson was an architect of the U.S. He graduated at the ' Harvard University, he completed his studies in Paris, at the ' Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, where he worked in the studio of Henri Labrouste. Returning to the United States in 1865 there began an intense, building numerous public and private buildings. The highest achievement of his style, which plays the strong modern sensibility with original monumentality of Roman, French is the Marshall Field Warehouse in Chicago, built between 1885 and 1887, from bare and austere façade punctuated by large arched windows. Among his other accomplishments should remember the famous Trinity Church in Boston, the courthouse in Pittsburgh, the Capital in Albany and Stoughton House in Cambridge (Massachusetts). The originality of his style, which will profoundly influence the architects of the Chicago School , first of all, Louis Sullivan , Richardson is one of the great creators of American domestic architecture.

His first assignment was in 1869 the Church of the Unity in Springfield, the city where he also married. The now demolished church was already in his orientation of medieval architecture, but was in contrast to his later work, rather than the influence of the Gothic Romanesque. In 1870 he was with the construction of the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane, later in the H. H. Richardson Complex was renamed, its first major contract. This complex is regarded as the birthplace of the Richardson Romanesque, a form of Neoromanesque, which is characterized ...
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