Unit 5

Read Complete Research Material


Unit 5

Unit 5


The values and principles of the early year's sector are to keep a child safe and healthy and to care for them in every way possible. The parents like this because then they are getting feedback from the practitioner at the end of the day and can join in with the practitioners at the work place. The welfare of the child and young person is paramount. Workers contribute to children's care, learning and development and safeguarding and this is reflected.


Evidence-based practice refers to the use of interventions, strategies, and supports that have research documenting their effectiveness. Practices that are evidence-based are ones that have been demonstrated as effective within multiple research studies that document similar outcomes.


When children from households with low socioeconomic status (SES) enter first grade, about 6 years old, supposed to be school ready to learn from homework. However, the large number who have poor performance or fail in the first years of schooling, suggests that this assumption is questionable, since the poor performance, failure and dropout are common situations in the system of public education in Chile. Among the main reasons why the child is not ready for the start of homework are:

The lack of preschool, whose coverage in the X region reaches only 30.2% of children in need.

The low SES and family education.

The lack of appropriate conditions in the home for proper cognitive and psychosocial development of children.

The limited family interaction in relation to school learning strategies that helps small to achieve good performance in school.

The lack of effective communication between family and school.


In most countries, mortality rates and malnutrition in childhood are decreasing, but there are large inequalities between poor children and those with better socioeconomic conditions among nations and within countries themselves.


I think parents should be involved in choosing their children throughout their lives. It is the intensity of the intervention to be modulated, and that, depending on the age of the child. Indeed, the personality is built primarily through imitation and projection. The older the child grows; it should keep the field free in its choices. Adults should be modest in this context as possible to open the field of choice for the child. So always, when preparing the choice, saying his arguments ending with the understanding that they are "based on his own experience.” Parents are not omnipotent. There have not rocket science but they can generally prove the child, if their choice was good and bad.


Children form self-esteem and develop an optimistic outlook on life in those moments when he manages to make something good. Parents should give children the support that the result was more positive. In addition, when a child can do something well, parents should be sure to notice it out loud and praise for every child, though slight, but success.


The design of schedule refers to the determination of who will do what and when. A schedule is followed consistently helps make predictable situations for both children and ...
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