United States Constitution And Legal System

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United States Constitution and Legal System

United States Constitution and Legal System


United States Constitution Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1 provides for the regulation of business, rates, fees and conditions of employment this protection is provided by the Thirteenth Amendment to the USA Constitution. Measures taken by any employer shall protect the rights of their employees. However, the employer must also protect them from corrupt officials, which could discredit the business, or worse. Most recently in the news, we heard of the ten financial institutions on the brinks of decay, along with many other corporations across the country. The United States offered to help save some of the failures of these enterprises, while most of them turned to be there or to use their existence. Some of these institutions are now owned by the United States Government or are currently indebted to the Government for one million dollars. (Fallon & Fallon 2006)

The United States offered to help save some of the failures of these enterprises, while most of them turned to be there or to use their existence. Some of these institutions are now owned by the United States Government or are currently indebted to the Government for one million dollars. The constitutional right of the business will change and protect the legitimate rights of others will change in the near future, as it applies to the United States Constitution, If the United States Government place new restrictions on lending institutions. The latest collapse of our financial institutions is the first such fall since 1920-ies. The U.S. government has come to the aid of business Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which has more than 200 billion dollars in debt rollover problems. While Lehman Brothers, which was founded in 1850 filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 14, 2008. Type of state regulation of these businesses is likely to cause their deaths. (Braithwaite & Drahos 2000)


U.S. Constitution was written to protect the business and determine the economic basis, in addition to protecting the rights and privileges of the citizen of the United States. For over 200 years in the United States Constitution has been influential in our way of life. This legal structure of our political system, he established the government bodies, identified as members of the public bodies are selected and provided the rules under which they base their decisions.

The United States Constitution is a document which was written to provide a plan for the federal government and, ultimately, the absolute law for Americans to follow. The document "defines the structure of the federal government, the federal government has delegated powers, and guarantees certain fundamental rights." These fundamental rights, laws and liberties were granted to all American citizens. Despite the signing of the Constitution in 1788, the laws still apply to the ever-changing economy and culture today. It will try to describe the role of the United States Constitution in the business rules in the following paragraphs.

The United States Constitution was introduced in September 1787 to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, ...
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