Us President

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US President

The President arrived experiencing an unprecedented range of challenges and met them with a bold, comprehensive plan. He took the most ambitious restoration of the package in history to address the economic crisis. He kept faith with the American people through the government, which is an open, transparent and accountable. And he restored the American alliances abroad, as well as our American values here at home.

Question 1

Since the right to rule America, I felt that I was president of the republic, who has access to all the freedom, together with the ballot. However, like most of all true strong activists, I love Politics. Now that the elections neigh, I engaged in one of my oppurtunity that is, the right to speak against the ills and the hidden agenda for the entire bid for state office.

U.S. President had planned the coup because they believed the threat of Guatemala to discover new democracy because it threatens the economic interests of the United States (Fekete p. 2-13). Jacobo Arbenz, President of Guatemala in 1954, is the distribution of land among the peasants in the hope of improving its economy. These actions are contrary to U.S. interests, since most of the land belonging to United Fruit Company, an American business that runs Guatemala telephone lines, railway systems, bays, and banana exports. The coup has been called upon to assume the powers of the president and bring him back in the hands of UFC

I am a Democrat because, as I review our history, I believe that my party has been right far more often than not. We took the movement for civil rights that are accepted as the correct position almost all the time. It was primarily the members of my party opposition, which led to the Vietnam War, and virtually all Americans will eventually come to this war as a mistake, that it was. Democrats consider Richard Nixon for the fraud I was when I was in the way of Republicans (Zelikow pp 56-67). The Democratic Party is opposed to Ronald Reagan's economic policies, which almost bankrupted our nation. Unlike most Republicans, he does not believe the Democrats for eight years to understand that George Bush will destroy the country. The former first lady Hillary Clinton warned Americans that his policies would divide us and undermine our economy; we lose our allies, and make the world a more dangerous place.

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