Us President

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US President and the Doctrine

US President and the Doctrine


United States adopted the doctrine of geopolitical setting and decisive advantage for U.S. forces in the world with the advent of Ronald Reagan power in 1980. It had the imperatives which required revision of the existing world order balance and eliminated the only opponent of U.S. on the world stage. The result was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the New World Order. President Reagan was the first person who embarked on the path of legal counter-revolution. His reign was a period of domination, international legal nihilism, which the world beheld in Washington during the eight years in power. Reagan emphasized an American professor of international law known as Francis Boyle. So, all the steps, which he took for his doctrine, will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

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Legal nihilism moved, into the international power politics and lawlessness, as manifested in violation of positive international law. The objectives of this policy have been audited, and, violation of fundamental principles of the UN Charter concerning the prohibition of the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity was even threatened. Reagan Doctrine was put forward as a main goal that forced audit in most of the fundamental norms of the existing order in the world. Doctrine equalized legality under international law with force, and, therefore, with the will of the United States, according to the professor of Thomas Frank. The essence of the doctrine of the Reagan was implemented to carry out the clandestine sabotage operations, undeclared wars of aggression and a flagrant violation of the fundamental principles of international law. They turned it into an instrument of state terrorism in U.S. foreign policy according to Nicaragua, Grenada, the bombing of Tripoli Rogue. (Nuechterlein, 1990)

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Carter of the government pointed out that, during the Reagan years, U.S. has not found it necessary to conceal the open use of force and violence around the world. Rogue invasion of Grenada was a striking example of the will of the United States to war and violence. Rogue bombing of Tripoli in April 1986 was made in order to murder members of a foreign government and civil population. The result of this act of state terrorism was the U.S. killing of civilians and destruction of civilian property. President Reagan was not authorized to give orders to such an attack. This act of terrorism is a flagrant violation of international law. President Reagan made an international war crime that killed or wounded hundreds of people from the civilian population. Summarizing the basic setup of their doctrine, President Reagan announced in 1986 that the underground subversive operations against other states have always been part of public policy at all times. The United States has an absolute right to carry out clandestine sabotage operations if these operations serve the interests of the United States. One of the main architects of the doctrine of Reagan, former ...
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