Vote Fraud

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Vote Fraud


The scenario of my paper is I live in Maryland (U.S.A) and desire to have my uncle Louis elected as Governor. I have taken few steps in order to stop fraud that prevails during vote system. The paper highlights the issues that prevail during vote, and highlights how the problem would be detected, what measures internal controls can use to stop these problems. The paper is divides in to following headings that are purpose; background; scope; results; and conclusion and recommendation. The purposed is describing the subject of the paper. The background part is highlighting the facts. The section of scope explains how the research conducted. The major part is the results; in that part I developed information regarding my topic. Finally the last part that is conclusion and recommendation that summarizing the key points which ties the essay purpose, background, and results together. In this paper, I used three library textbook sources, five internet sources, and two subject matter experts (interviewees); and prepare a well thought out and logical paper.

Vote Fraud


An important element of any organization is the fact that there are individuals who, if given the opportunity, will use the resources of the organization for their own purposes rather than the aim or mission of the organization. This tendency to divert resources to one's own use or benefit can be too frequent flaw in human nature. In the Governmental sector, where scarce resources are the norm and the consequences of any publicized fraud even further devastating to the organization, leaders need to be alert and vigilant about the possibility of fraud. Leaders are advised to keep a trained eye on areas within their settings that are most susceptible (Aditya, 2000).

Thesis Statement

We need to introduce verification procedures in the voting process, to eliminate fraud in the election.


The process which is conducted to obtain an answer to a question from a group or a set of people is known as an election. What represents physically, an individual from the group is called, a vote. This vote represents a person's answer to a question in the election. Voting could be a selection of one person from a group of pre-determined people or it could be completely unique. The unique answers are called write-in votes and the answer of this vote is not already determined.

All the votes combine to form a structure called ballot. In the light of the previously explained we can say that each question which is to be answered in an election is a race. Those running the race are called candidate. Those people who are qualified to cast a vote are the voters. Only those people, who are deemed legitimate and are verified to cast a vote, can participate in the elective process. This verification system creates a fool proof voting procedure which establishes the election and the answered question as justified and authentic.


The main purpose of having the verification done before and during the steps of elections is to ensure that the answers ...
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