W.E.B. Dubois And Booker T. Washington

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W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington


It is estimated that between 1882 and 1927 over 3,000 blacks were lynched in the United States. This figure may be a gross understatement because many blacks of this era simply disappeared and remain unaccounted for. These 42 years are significant because it was during this time that America embarked upon its initial forays into imperialism, fought two successful wars, and stood proudly as the beacon example of democracy for the world to emulate. Unfortunately, over 3,000 of its citizens were being brutally murdered while the country celebrated its democratic supremacy. (Norrell 44-56)

Nonetheless, blacks began a protest of the second-class social and economic conditions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This protest was led by Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. While each was passionate in their own beliefs, the end goal was the same: for blacks to gain and enjoy full citizenship in this country.


Booker T. Washington focused on having education for real life jobs and not asking for equality from the whites. He just focused on getting help from the whites and accepting their place as blacks on earth (Harlan 35-59). WEB Dubois focused on the exact opposite things that of Booker T. Washington. Dubois focused on a strategy called the gradualist political strategy. The gradualist political strategy tells that Dubois was very focused on blacks being book smart to get any where in life. (Norrell 44-56)

Back in the days when racism was a huge problem there were two main leaders that stepped into play to help control the issues. Even though they were completely opposite both of them made huge changes in the segregation of the United States of America, their names will never be forgotten, Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois. (Grant 74-85)

The first leader that came along was Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington wanted the good to show in all of black people. He believed that the blacks should work for themselves. Booker T. Washington asked the white people for help not equality. Booker T. Washington believed that they would not make it any where in society if they focused on just equality. Booker T. Washington wanted to have blacks trained for society and real life situations, he believed that was way more important than being book smart and not being able to use anything you learned outside. He wanted job education for blacks so they could learn how to do their jobs and do it properly. Booker T. Washington was known as being a great public speaker, but not only did Booker T. Washington focus on speaking to blacks he also spoke to whites as well. When talking to the whites he focused on how blacks are stereotyped. When he spoke to the blacks though he talked to them about how they should not hide in the whites shadows, they should break out of the box and be who they want to be. Booker T. Washington all in all though focused on all blacks getting economic ...
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