What Would Produce More Justice, Satisfying The Individual's Best Interests Or The Community's?

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What would produce more justice, satisfying the individual's best interests or the community's?


The government of Henry David Era got abolished with no conclusive declarations. Henry David Thoreau supported civil disobedience when the governments were following an injustice, what the governments deem to be a dreadful deed. He corresponded with the fact, that if the government decides to go to war against another country, and they criticize this resolution, they will be rejecting the direct representativeness of the government and will be held as a prison.

Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862) was the trend transcendentalist of the Puritan origin. He was one of the most proclaimed writer, poet and philosopher and the author of Walden and Civil Disobedience. From this fact comes his treatise Civil disobedience, a pioneer in proposing ideas like pacifism and nonviolence to resurface strongly in the alter globalism the twentieth century. The book talks about one of the main concepts of ideology that is the idea that the government should not have more power than citizens are willing to grant, reaching the point that proposes the abolition of all government.

According to Henry David Thoreau, the individual needs are more important which should be satisfied at initial levels in order to stop the disturbance in community. He has stated that man is a social animal. If the person gets satisfied at all level the losing something or sharing something, will not be a burden for him, as he would be satisfied that he will achieve it again. Similar to this it is a nature of human, that he lust for everything he has. Therefore, it is the society that molds his character more rather than his individual being.

Thesis Statement

The key to more justice is to provide the individual with what he needs, rather than focusing on the needs of the community.


Justice is defined as the skill of doing right, and offers everyone their appropriate human and civil rights (Ars Juris). The concept of justice and fairness is the virtue of honor and respect the law and provides equal rights to an individual. It is important to seek justice in the country, as otherwise we would live in a world of chaos and what we could not save. Satisfying the individual need in contrast to the community is more important rather than the satisfaction of the one concept. Emphasizing on one concept may lead to disturbance at any point of society.

According to Thoreau, how can a man be satisfied to entertain an opinion merely and enjoy it? Is there any enjoyment in it if his opinion is that he gets aggrieved? (pg-184) . For example if a man gets cheated by his friend or anyone, he never forgets the facts and tries to regain his revenge in any form. The normal psychology of human leads to the satisfaction of his needs first rather than thinking about other persons or community benefits. People tend to be ignorant and drive their needs first. Many real life experiences and situations of ...