Who Decided What At “the Peace Of Augsburg, (1555)”

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Who decided what at “The Peace of Augsburg, (1555)”


It was in the year 1555, when a convention was passed with in the territory of the holy roman empire, the convention was very clear, and concise, the convention gave Lutheranism a right if, and meaning of existence, the convention stated that none of the member of the empire shall fight with any other member of the empire on the basis of religion, which means that this treaty was signed for peace that was truly required in the holy roman empire. One of the aspects of the treaty recognized the power of both the Lutheran, s and the Catholics, and the treaty stated that there were only two denominations that existed, the Lutheran and the Catholics were allowed to exercise their power individually, which means that there was no interference of power. The people had full right and authority to move to which ever state they wanted to where their religious right would not be violated or where they could easily follow their religion. This convention helped out very well for 50 years until other conflicts arose in the Roman Empire.

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Peace of Augsburg has another name which is the Augsburg settlement, the pace of Augsburg was a treaty between Charles v, and the forces of the Schmalkaldic league, this all happened on 25th of September, 1555 in the city of Augsburg which today is in Bavaria, Germany, and this was an alliance of Lutheran princes. This treaty brought about an end to the religious conflicts between two different groups, and there was a legal division done of Christendom permanent with in the Holy Roman Empire. The treaty come up with the principles of Cuius, religio, region, eius, and this gave the princes of the holy state of roman to select their choice, they could go for Lutheranism or Catholicism as per the limits allowed. The citizens who did not fall under the category of the prince, which means that citizens who had an opposite religious view that of the prince, had the liberty of emigrating to which ever state they wanted to by their choice, and to a state where their religious virtues were accepted, and they could enjoy practicing their religion comfortably, and freely.

It was Charles v who had taken the initial step to move towards the treaty, and the treaty brought in a ruling legitimacy in the empire for two of the ruling creeds of the empire. It was Charles v who had always focused on removing the religious differences that had risen amongst the general council of the Catholic Church. It was the treaty in its 26 articles, and in the principles, it had given permission to the clergy to get married, and the laity was to be given permission for both the bread and wine. This was somehow not accepted by the protestant territories who then later on introduced their own interim. It was the year 1552 when this interim was altered by Maurice of Saxony, and ...
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