Windows Executive Summary

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Windows Executive summary

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Windows Executive summary

An interface of operating system is required to run the computer system successfully on a computer. Microsoft has made such an interface that is helping in operating the computer system. This interface made by Microsoft has eliminated the use of command line for each and every navigation.

Microsoft windows are an operating system for personal computers. The market of computer is dominated by windows. According to an estimate it holds approximately 90% of the total market. The remaining 10% is divided into small piece in the remainder Linux and Mac, other operating system available in the market. The existence of Windows is the market is long. It's been almost 25 year since the first version of Microsoft windows was released by Bill Gates. Drastic changes have occurred in the functionality and outlook of Microsoft windows over the years (Cowart, 2000).

The first version of Microsoft was very simple and slow. Simplicity in term of outlook it prevail, but in functionality at first it was quite complex. Microsoft with time hold grasp upon the graphic interface and made the outlook better every time than before. In the initial interface of Microsoft only two applications were used extensively e.g. MS Word and MS Excel. These two applications were used in the offices and business units.

When Microsoft realizes that the use and need of Microsoft application is grasping the market, they started emphasizing on their development of products offered. Separate departments were solely made for the purpose of future betterment in the Windows outlook and interface. With the passage of time, windows developed and started launching its new revised version every year. Sometimes the revised version had minor changes, and sometimes overall look was changed by the development team (Cowart, 2000).

Components of Windows Architecture

Windows is developed with ...
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