Work With Other Teachers To Explore New Methods And Strategies Of Behavioral Problems In Classroom And Have Better Classroom Management

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Work With Other Teachers to Explore New Methods and Strategies of Behavioral Problems in Classroom and Have Better Classroom Management

Work With Other Teachers to Explore New Methods and Strategies of Behavioral Problems in Classroom and Have Better Classroom Management


Discipline, classroom management class control any name you call him maintain order in the class teacher the greatest concern. You may not like this fact but you may wish it were untrue. But it is. It is in the daily lives of teachers. Discipline is so important that the core to the whole, still in school, most educators agree: it is one thing that makes or breaks teachers. Wang, Haertel and Walberg (1994) confirmed Charles declaration when they report in his article "What helps students learn" that, when data from both studies and analysis of surveys of experts, in combination, in a class of control tops the list of twenty-eight categories, that the greatest impact of training. Thus, for many teachers, Charles' statement as true today as it was nearly two decades ago when it was written. The United States is certainly not alone in its recognition of the importance for teachers of the theory of sound and effective techniques when it comes to classroom management.


As the concerns of both new and experienced teachers, classroom management is not a new phenomenon. Sample of more than fifty years of discipline articles repeatedly invokes class management as the primary concern of educators. Experienced specialists report that the ability to manage is the first essential for success in learning. For example, 25 percent of teachers who did not do so primarily because of the troubles growing out of discipline (Brown, 1949). Strengthening this view, Schubert (1954) reports that one of the most complex problems faced by many teachers in our schools today; especially beginning teachers maintain control in the classroom. The discipline has been and continues to be a problem for many teachers. But it must be problems in the future? No!

Most educators agree that effective learning involves various cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Meece, 1994), as well as a good discipline in the classroom, and management. While not ignoring the value of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for effective learning, recent research, said that discipline in the classroom, and management is perhaps the most tax aspects of the role of teachers (Rogers, 1997). For some teachers the most difficult task may be the development of learning content, but the question of how to deal effectively with children. Osborne and Osborne (1989) reported that there are situations where all curricula have been lost because of poor management in the classroom and methods of discipline. Behavior may be offensive, it violates other disinhibit learning. Discipline problems are a serious problem for teachers in schools.

Schools to promote and strengthen the youth of society, to acquire skills and knowledge that will help them become responsible contribution to society as adults, teachers and facilitators of the learning process (Carey, 2003). Nevertheless, most of the teachers' role is to find solutions to the ...
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