World War II

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World War II

World War II


The main purpose of this paper is to make discussion on the history of World War II. The paper makes discussion about the causes of start of this war, and what was the reason of the war. The paper also discusses the reason for ending of this war. The paper makes discussion on the interview of William B. Breuer.

Causes of Start of this War

With the German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 by Adolf Hitler's long-planned war for "Lebensraum in the East." In Germany, the beginning of the war caused in spite of the massive Nazi propaganda, especially from oppression. Many people looked anxiously into the future, most adults, and the memories of the disastrous consequences of the First World War still present. The successes of the Wehrmacht on the battlefields in the country produced a noticeable euphoria of victory, but quickly, which continued in the first months after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 yet. This collective mood in the high half of Europe dominating the German Reich was in stark contrast to the general perspective and desolation that prevailed only a few years later, in conquered, occupied and largely destroyed Germany.

The Nazi regime enjoyed after 1933 mainly due to social policy and foreign policy successes of growing support among the German population. Most people in Germany, but also in foreign countries could not or would not recognize, given the success of Hitler's true intentions: Just four days after he was appointed Reich Chancellor Hitler on 3 February 1933 before the most senior officers of the army over the violent conquest of “Lebensraum in the East, "said. In the secret memorandum on the Four Year Plan of August 1936 stated categorically that the German army had "operational in four years, the German economy for war in four years." With the formation of his devoted High Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW) 1938, Hitler's army now has far more control than before. That the German population from now on must be set on a war, Hitler demanded that the German press a day after the “November pogrom "of 1938, which gave an idea of the rise of what the Nazis were capable. Nevertheless, Hitler's remarks, after which a new war would end in Europe with the "extermination of the Jews", hardly taken seriously.

Reason of World War II

The outcome of World War II has long been uncertain. But thousands of German and French soldiers lost on the battlefields of Flanders and Alsace in her life, without that it would come to a real decision. Only after the defeat in August and September 1918 the High Command took the army back into the German Reich, in order to protect the soldiers from captivity. The blame for the termination of the war threw the generals, led by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, from the civilian politicians. This military conspiracy theory that has been received as a stab in the history books, found great ...
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