Youth And Media

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Youth and Media


The modern media have become a part of our lives. Both in terms of the socialization process and terms of the demands of the professional world to the individual. It is, therefore, necessary to consider not only the advantages or disadvantages of modern media, but this confident and meaningful integration into the development process of children. Therefore, just parents and educators are challenged, not the children and young people to stay away from the modern media, but rather to help them with the critical examination of the media and thus to raise awareness for a thoughtful and responsible approach to the media (Moeller, p. 122).


Youth and Media

Within the risk, a group of media influence includes youth and adolescents because their age prevents them distinguish the intentions of the elderly. Although the teenager has already passed the stage of childhood where the lack of criteria to select the television offer caused the biggest problems because children learn by imitation, no longer vulnerable to the messages of television, it is even in a growth stage (Bucholtz, p. 525).

The youngsters distinguish reality from fantasy, but do not have a solid approach and a personal position against the things that make it easily influenced. For this reason assume new attitudes and behavior, always looking for a self-image that best fits your idea of adult behavior.

This is where media can influence, presenting a false life of adults, with a strong dose of hedonism and violence, impossible love, good and evil, justice and injustice, greed, social class barriers, intrigue, revenge, infidelity, lies and so on. However, with little genuine love, responsibility and maturity (Osgerby, p. 78). Examples are action films, dramatizations or certain miniseries covering topics too crudely, denounce certain deviations of human behavior or challenging circumstances or situations in society or culture as perceived by the viewer without getting affected but adults that can mislead the young because the situations are not clear to them.

Media Influences Youngsters Perception

What youngsters do not understand is that the world consists of two sides, that of the good and the bad, if not human beings whose actions are more complex than presented on the screen. The man is a rational getting endowed with the freedom to decide and, therefore, is not free of mistakes, because no one is ever good or bad (Calvert, p. 22). Therefore, the simplistic view could be replaced by another in which the characters appear more human, more real in situations closer to those of every day.

The desire for realism can confuse the consciousness of young people; if there is no good guidance on the importance of controlling the broadcast times on television, both by broadcasters and by parents, which are not exempt from the dangers that their children, exposed every day.

This confusion can manifest in loss of sensitivity. A youngster used to seeing scenes of violence, including not only are police or action series but also some cartoons, not have the same sensitivity to real, violent acts as one who has seen these ...
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