Youth Homelessness

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Youth Homelessness and Legislative change

Youth Homelessness and Legislative change


There has been a major change in the policy regarding the progress that has taken place in UK for addressing issue having relation to youth homelessness. The implementation of homelessness plan has created prominence on prevention regarding the faithful attention towards young people. The statutory protection has gained considerable strength because of the addition of priority based categories stated under the homelessness legislation across whole UK. The measures, taken were country specific regarding the act of youth homelessness. In Scotland, there are several strategies for the provision of permanent re accommodation for all those people that are homeless till 2012. In 2007, England Legislation authorities launched National Youth Homelessness Scheme with a specific focus on the provision of mediation services that lodged schemes for giving assistance to the people. Northern Ireland published a strategy for the social addition of homeless people, and Wales created a special report regarding the issues of youth homelessness. The study, conducted for the review of obtainable statistics and literature that contained six detailed case studies which included interviews and focus groups that comprised a total of 148 young people. The study also consisted of 121 agency representatives. The study extracted information from the findings for two national consultation companies that had young people led by Centre point. There should be a policy roundtable event with national experts that can play a vital role in creating strategy for the future. Therefore, all issues related to youth homelessness and legislative changes will be discussed in detail.

The extent of youth homelessness

The current information on youth homelessness has serious limitations because it is always possible to count those people, employed in independent firms. This is the reason why on the basis of this data, estimation can be made for the minimum number of 75,000 young people, considered as homelessness in the UK in the period of 2006-07. The inclusion also included 43,075 young people that were within the age group of 16-24, who got acceptance as statutorily homeless in the UK. There were at-least thirty one homeless and non-statutorily young people, who have received support from Supporting People services in the period of 2006 and 2007. The number of, young homeless, people that spent their nights at numerous locations was low. The limitation of the data suggests that a generous number of young people might experience rough sleeping in a period of one year rather than any given night (Anderson, 1993, 81).

The ordinary numbers of young people got acceptance as homeless across the entire UK that increased the need for the expansion of priority need groups in the early 2000s. However, levels have dropped greatly in the last few years. On the basis of countries, numbers got dropped in England and Wales but have achieved a similar level in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The yearly rate of young people that were found in the 16-24 age groups faced acceptance as homeless and was highest in Scotland ...
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