Zambia Developing Country Trade

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Zambia Developing Country Trade

Step 11.

International trade policy is in a period of time for countries to import and export trade policies pursued, the national government for some purpose to develop the management of foreign trade policy and principles. From one country or region perspective, international trade policy is foreign trade policy. Free trade policy and protection of trade policy are two basic types of international trade policy; and in accordance with national trade policy on export production and domestic production level of protection will be divided into outward and inward-looking trade policy, trade policy.

Characteristics of Trade Policy in Zambia

The main characteristics of Zambia's inward and outward trade policy is that it has been fully liberalized, involving a reduction of the level of nominal tariffs, their rationalization and the removal of all impediments to trade.2.

The objectives of Zambia's trade policy are set out in the policy framework papers and the national policy document. The country has moved away from an inward-focused strategy of import substitution, dependent on high levels of tariff protection, to an outward-oriented, export-led strategy based on open markets and international competition.Step 21.

More Developed Countries been reluctant to lower levels of protection on agricultural goods for a number of reasons. By allowing exporters to export into another country, you get cheaper prices. By lowering the cost of agriculture products in developed countries, this would cause retailers to import agriculture products local producers, which would result in weakening the local market.2.

Revenue Earned from Taxes on International Trade

Trends Interpretation

The amount of revenue earned from taxes on international trade was on the high side in the year 1987; the basic reason for this sharp boost can be attributed to the increase in international trade. This increase was also the result of the flexible trade policies adopted by the Zambian government. The revenue sharply declined in 1988, and it rose again in 1990, and after that it continued declining till 1998. 3.

Over the years countries such as Zambia has maintained numerous import controls as reflected by the high tariffs relative to other countries. The government of such countries has been reluctant to reduce tariffs due to over reliance on their revenue generation, hence impeding the country from embracing full import liberalization and leading to deficiencies in trade-related expertise, analytical skills, and negotiation skills, as well as insufficient resources to enable it to negotiate effectively, meet ongoing trade obligations and implement trade agreements, and poor trade policy coordination in the country.4.

The data does not support the idea that Zambia has reduced the level of protectionism in line with the requirements of the WTO and GATT, if the government of Zambia had reduced the level of trade protectionism it would have positively affected the stream of revenue earned from taxes on international trade. That doesn't happen in the case of Zambia, if we look at the trends present in the graph, it is clearly evident that, through the year 1990 and onwards, the government have adopted rigid trade policies that had resulted in the decline of the revenue ...
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