Accsesseing Health Care

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Difficulties accsesseing Health Care for those with Menatal Illness

Difficulties accsesseing Health Care for those with Menatal Illness


This paper will highlight the difficulties that are present in accsesseing Health Care for those with Menatal Illness. In order to do so adequatly, the discussion will make use of the three Determanants of health, poverty and mental illness stigma in the implementation of the Population Health Pomotion Model. Mental health problems in general and in particular severe mental illness are often poorly known by society and they often extend social rejection and stigma. The consequences are, to name just a few: social isolation, loss of self-esteem, difficulties in access to employment and loss of opportunities in many aspects of daily life. This negative social image, often based on false premises and information bias and little objective, has played an important role inadequate media coverage of mental health news and real problems and difficulties of people who have them. This has contributed decisively to the growth of the stigma, which is to hinder the daily life of people with mental disorders placing them in a position of vulnerability and disadvantage is now intolerable.


It is the responsibility of all to encourage a change of mentality that helps break down the barriers that lifts the stigma that prevent people affected by mental illness to exercise full citizenship in today's society. For example, In the Community of Madrid, aware of the extent of the problems and challenges that the phenomenon of stigma generates, the Ministries of Health and Family and Social Affairs are coordinated and work together for their elimination (Provencher 2011). Therefore, the Mental Health Strategic Plan 2010-2014 contains a strategic anti-stigmatization of people affected by mental illness.

They seek to comply with this, the Madrid constitute a Working Group against stigma and discrimination towards people with mental illness, which was invited to participate in different social and mental health professionals and social services (Power, 2010). This group will produce a document containing a plan to combat stigma and off work for the eradication of discrimination, the actual exercise of rights and the promotion of opportunities for these people to participate actively in society on equal terms and can a dignified and integrated as citizens.

To remove the stigma attached to people with mental illness, the individual should be allowed to emerge about the disease. Remember they are people who suffer from a disease hard and with effort and achieve social care and be one more in the community (Cawthorpe, Wilkes, Guyn, Bing & Lu, 2011). Able and willing to give and receive affection, helping others develop their skills and work always: have a life plan, like everyone else. To develop an environment need not be hostile. Society can and should provide it. They deserve it.

Most of us have heard the terms disease mental, mental or psychiatric illness. These terms used to describe a wide range of different diseases that have one thing in common: they affect emotions, thought and behavior of the person ...