Act 13 Of Esv

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Act 13 of ESV

[Name of the institute]Act 13 of the ESV of Bible


The world in which we live today is full of different people. These different people belong to different countries, ethnicity, race and religion. On the basis of the religion the conceptions and aspects about various things and issues in life people differ with each other. Even, within a religion, there are various factors that can make the people differ from one another. One such example is the translation of Bible in different languages. The aim and objective of this essay is also to talk about one such translation of Bible. This paper aims to talk about the Act 13 of the English Standard Version of Bible. The following part of the paper describes what this chapter is all about. Moreover, discussion is also undertaken to show the importance and significance of this chapter in the context of the book.

Content of the Chapter

In a nutshell, it can be said that this Act 13 is all about Paul's first ever missionary journey. The chapter begins the description of the church at Antioch which makes Barnabas and Paul apart so that they can go for the missionary work (13: 1-3). The chapter ends with the description of return of the Barnabas and Paul from their missionary work so that they can be held accountable for their activity. The content that is there in between the start and end of the chapter tells the whole story of the journey of the Paul's first missionary journey (Unger, 1998).

This chapter shows that crossing to the south coast of Asia Minor, Paul and Barnabas landed at Attalia and headed inland, crossing the western spurs of the Taurus Mountains, infested with robbers and other dangers. A few miles inland, John Mark (see Mark) left them and returned to Jerusalem. The others arrived at Antioch, the capital of Pisidia (not of Syria), 100 miles inland, an important centre with a large Jewish community. In their synagogue, Paul delivered an address (fully recorded in Acts 13) to both Jews and Gentiles: 'Men of Israel, and you that fear God, listen … brethren, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you that fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.' (Acts 13:16; Acts 13:26) It would seem that the pattern of Paul's work was immediately established. On arrival, he went straight to the ...
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