Acts 4:23-27

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ACTS 4:23-27

Exegetical Paper on Acts 4:23-37

Exegetical Paper on Acts 4:23-37


The Acts of the Apostles tells the story of the early Church, dall'Ascensione of the Lord (Acts 1: 6 - 11) the arrival of Paul in Rome (28, 16 - 30). The core of the story is the slow but steady spread of the Christian message from Jerusalem, in all of Palestine ("in all Judea and Samaria" 1.8), to the ends of the earth. The announcement, therefore, is addressed to the Jews first, then to the Gentiles. In the first part of Acts (in the first 12 chapters), the task of extending the faith in the Jewish world is entrusted to Peter, beginning from Jerusalem, and then continues throughout Palestine. While the spread of the Gospel in the world and your ad-roman Greek to the pagans, the second part (Chapters 13 to end) is entrusted to Paul, who continues the work begun by Peter and the Twelve, in communion with them and their mandate. The unanimous Christian tradition since the mid-second century attributes the work to Luke, Paul's traveling companion, Pauline mentioned in the correspondence as a "beloved physician" (Col 4.14; cf. Fm 24, 2 Tim 4.11). For this reason, most scholars have always been inclined to recognize in Luke that mysterious character who appears on some pages of the Acts as an eyewitness of the events narrated in first person (they are the so-called "sections us": Acts 16.10-17 , 20.5 to 21, 27.1 to 28.16).

As regards the time and place of composition is not possible to say anything definite, it is certain only that it was written not long after the Gospel. The review followed most places the date of composition around the year 80 of the Acts. The story covers three decades of Christian origins, from the year AD 30 in which it appears likely the Ascension, until around 60 AD, probable date of Paul's arrival in Rome. The book is presented as a continuation of a single work (Gospel and Acts) dedicated to the same person, '' excellent Theophilus, "whose identity remains unknown to us. In the first part (the Gospel) Luke tells the story of Jesus and his activities beginning from Galilee to rise to heaven in Jerusalem. In the second (Acts of the Apostles), presents the origin and spread of the Church from Jerusalem to Rome, revealing a pattern not only geographically, but the historical and theological, which presents the journey of faith of the early Church, which starts from the people of 'Israel reaches all corners of the earth. The Acts of the Apostles in the projects "upper room of the road" in the sense that the extraordinary story of Jesus of Nazareth who had destroyed their lives, now, with his resurrection and ascension to heaven, forcing them to return to the road is the life of every day, but with a "novelty" (the Gospel), which must reach all people: "Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer and rise from the dead the ...
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