African Americans Late 1800 - Early 1900

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African Americans Late 1800 - Early 1900


Slavery was introduced in the United States in the late 18th century. Beginning slowly, this practice has been steadily growing in the 18th century by legislation in favor of slavery. Slavery is so all over the United States. In the 19th century with the flamed cotton that takes precedence over the tobacco and rice, the slave masters require even more need for slavery to get richer. At that time again, slavery is seen as a necessary evil by those white southerners. It is an unfortunate thing, but essential to the success of the Southern economy. From the artisan to proletarian, plants do not need to slave, but many workers who work and especially consuming. In the North, industrialization in full swing and the proletariat finds its account (Lanning, pp.45).

In a time of anxiety after all these changes in the North, we turned to religion to find answers and comfort. We then returns to a more sympathetic God, merciful and benevolent. The aim is to create heaven on earth. For this project, we must fight evil. So we tackle alcohol abuse, crime, poverty, gender inequality and of course, slavery. By 1830, the abolitionist movement was born in the North. But still, speeches are delivered, pamphlets are distributed, associations are formed. In the South, slave masters react strongly to these attacks. The Southern slave fully intends to defend the rights of whites.

We do not apologize over the "necessary evil", in contrast, are accused northerners to practice the only real slavery that of man by man. The southerners are then circulating this picture of a good master ignoring violence. With these initial impulses abolitionists in the North, some slaves of the South are beginning to see their salvation in these lands. From the 1830s, slaves go north to find freedom. Often with the help of the first white abolitionists, black abolitionist network headed by former slaves, like Frederick Douglass and other black will fall into place. Among these former slaves, many will exercise to write their own story to show the true face of slavery and to advance the abolitionist cause (Foner, pp.24).

The slave narratives that chronicle the lives of former slaves between 1830 and 1860 in the U.S. are particularly rich in understanding the abolitionist movement of the period before the war. With slave narratives, one becomes aware of the cruel fate that is reserved for slaves. When the elections of 1856-1860 reach the North and South both companies have evolved differently disagree about the proper functioning of the country. When Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party, was elected in 1860, South Carolina seceded on December 20. Other states will follow the example of South Carolina and Jefferson Davis will lead the Confederate States. This is the beginning of a conflict that lasted from 1861 to 1865: the Civil War and will feature two important general: Robert E. Lee to defend the south and Ulysses Grant leading the armies of the north, but the key players that we ...
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