Algebra In The Real World And Everyday Life

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Algebra in the Real World and Everyday Life

Algebra in the Real World and Everyday Life


We use algebra every day? It is a question of one million dollars. This usually proceeds, "why do I need to learn this stuff, I never use it?" you are far from right. Algebra is used every day, all the time. It is used in situations where you are trying to determine how long it will take you to get from your House to your House of friends.

Let's look at an example: you live five miles from the House of a friend. Your parents should guide you, how long does it take to prepare? If your parents drive the short way takes 15 minutes if there is a lot of traffic, it will take longer. So it's time you tell your friend you will be eating if you leave at 4: 00 PM: does this sound familiar to you? Looks like the old problem of train you school. If the train station. Guess what, you're using algebra when trying to figure out how long will it take to get to the House of his friend, and this includes the variable "x" on traffic and time.

Let's look at another example: you and some friends were going to build Skate half pipes. You draw the model to determine how high and long to make it. You draw different views of the half pipe at different angles. Then calculate how much wood you need and what size, so it's not destroyed. Then you should estimate how much material you need to make the surface smooth tube half. With each of your accounts you use algebra. There are many variables, and you should use rational numbers to make your calculations-Algebra.

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