All The Miracles Of Bible

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All the Miracles of Bible

All the Miracles of Bible


At several places in the bible are examples of Miracle that were performed by Jesus. The way in which these miracles should be interpreted is a matter of discord and many debates have been done on the issue. Intellectuals, researchers and religious scholar have discussed in several times that did these miracles actually happened the way they had been written, should they take only the literal meaning of the event or are there any hidden meanings and messages in these miracles that should have to be uncovered. It is another possibility that the miracles did not actually took place as they were recorded or might be some part of the miracles happened in the way they have been written and some part would be changed over the course of time. But whatever the situation is, one thing that runs throughout the bible is that miracles are done by God and He has the ability to perform them. This theme is crystal clear in all of the miracles in their style and pattern of writing.

But the stories of bible prior to take written form were passed on to the next generations orally. The people at that time made sure that they have transferred the message correctly and aptly. But still possibilities of change and alterations in the text and message are present. The fact that these miracles and stories reached us through the tradition of oral telling of tales, they were selected to convey a specific message and that writing anything for the purpose of saving its theme and protecting it from the mistakes that can occur in transferring them orally must be kept in mind while reading the miracles.

Miracles in the Old Testament

Moses and the ten plagues against Egypt

In Egypt the Israelites were in captivity. Pharaoh was asked by Moses to release people however he did not obey the command. Because of his refusal a series of plagues were sent by God. Here some of these plagues are described in detail:

Plague of Blood

As the heart of Pharaoh was hard, the first Plague was ordered by God. Here the word 'hard'is used in the context of rejecting to change his decision. Hence in simpler words the heart of Pharaoh was not only hard and contradicts the commands of God but on also he rejects to change his own judgment and goes against the sayings of God(Times Online, "Plagues of Egypt 'caused by nature, not God'”).

In order to show his devotion to the god of the Nile it was the habit of Pharaoh that he used to go to the River Nile daily in the morning. Egypt's economy was then based on the River Nile. The people of Egypt relied on the River Nile not only for water but also for their transportation and crops. They instead of having belief in God as the Originator or Nile started worshipping the Satan and his demons. They were basically ...
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