Altering Skeptical Behaviors Of Nursing Staff: A Change Management Program For Modern, Integrated Healthcare Systems

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Altering skeptical behaviors of nursing staff: A change management program for modern, integrated healthcare systems


[Name of the Author]

[Department/College Name]

[Name of the Institution/University]

[Date of Submission]



Background of the Research1

Problem Statement1

Research Aim1

Research Objectives2

Research Questions2

Significance of the Study3

Limitations of the Research3


Importance of Nursing4

Nursing Behaviors4

Treatment Quality and Managing Stress7


Research Design12

Research Ethics12

Literature selection criteria12

Search technique13

Keywords used13

Theoretical framework13

Research instruments13



Background of the Research

To understand and identify the basic of nursing, the discipline in itself requires ample analysis and understanding of the kind of condition that is being faced and experienced by individuals in the world today. It must be acknowledged that nursing and nursing practices need to take up a lot of efforts, strategy, skills and tactics to cope up with the various pressures that are prevalent and undertaken in the world today.

Unfortunately to come to think of it, even nurses can have a hard time dealing with the pressures and stresses that arise and occur when dealing with patients who are involved in the field of nursing. While these practitioners are expected to maintain protocol and a firm personality upon their need and requirement while entertaining patients, however, a major toll takes up upon how nurses and nursing practitioners have to deal with the problems and situations that are associated with the field of nursing.

Problem Statement

The problem statement, which shall act as the driving force for the development of our research, is 'how can change management lead to altering skeptical behaviors of nursing staff?'

Research Aim

The aim of the research has been defined with regards to the kind of psychological challenges and stressors, which are being experienced by the nurses involved and occupied in the field of nursing and that what measures need to be undertaken, which would aid the nurses for improving their behaviors and reviving their concepts and thought processes for better services.

Research Objectives

With the research aim, certain objectives, related to the compilation and completion need to be undertaken, which would aid the development of the research study paving underway. The research objectives undertaken for this research are as follows:

To evaluate the pressures and stresses felt and experienced by nurses;

To identify the key factors and reasons due to which nurses are forced to change their behavior;

To highlight strategies and tactics adopted by nurses to mold and change their behaviors; and

To recommend programs, tools and further techniques as it would aid a better understanding a nurse's position and status in terms of cognitive development and behavioral performance.

Research Questions

To answer the research objectives and fulfilling our research aim, the following research questions shall be utilized to understand and comprehend the levels of research development and that which would help us gain a better understanding of different aspects related to the behaviors of nurses. These questions are as follows:

What behaviors are generally expected by nurses to display when servicing patients?

What stresses are being experienced by nurses, when involved with patients and their treatment?

What impact do these pressures and stressors have on the behavior of nurses?

How does nursing ...
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