Amazon's Supply Chain

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Amazon's Supply Chain

Amazon's Supply Chain


Amazon has been a part of the success, falling much onto the changes and the challenges that have been experienced in the midst of creating and establishing stronger and a better outcome. However, with the technological advancements taking place from the changes and the challenges that are now being associated with the issues and the concerns that are being associated altogether in the long-run.

Considering the recent changes and the challenges that are being felt and experienced by Amazon, an absolute advantage that the company now stands proudly on is the deadline and workload management, which not only maintains its own platform, but also calls for analyzing and comprehending the changes and the challenges that are now associated with big names in multiple industries around the world such as Apple and Target.

Current Position of Amazon

In the modern times where information technology, software analysis and interpretation not only call for creating and establishing a strong and constructive outcome, but also make way for providing sustainable, long-term, profitable services, which help and aid companies to ship an estimated ten (10) millions products, as compared to the five-hundred thousand that are being promoted and moved by Wal-Mart.

The basic strategy that has been implemented by Amazon is called drop shipping. Through the practice and adoption of this strategy, not only does it make way for the provision of a liaison which is established with manufacturers, which upon negotiation and agreement, ship products directly to consumers on behalf of the company (Acohido, 2002).

That way the company has the minimal of negotiations and transfer, but also provides the necessary outcomes and returns that would make way for the development and the establishment of assessing what is the credibility of the wholesalers, suppliers or the retailers, who are associated with the brand.

Physical Establishment and Portfolio: Impact of Amazon

The times of today have not thinned our resources, but also give out additional stress, which would provide for people to give out the necessary outcomes and returns, persuading and forcing people to practically pursue the necessary outcomes and returns in the long-run. In the case of Amazon, however, all processes, systems, networks and procedures fall directly into place due to constant coordination being established.

The company has managed to create and carve a worldwide space of distribution, providing the transit of goods from 300,000 square feet to more than five million square feet. With the constant inclusion of customers and their intricate requirements and details, it not only provides for an incessant and rampant growth of space of distribution, but also provide for instantaneous customer growth.

Company experts and researchers not only call for creating the necessary results and outcomes, but also call for making the necessary changes in their current strategy and the tactics that they have adopted and would also provide for the development of two important distribution hubs. One has been placed in the Seattle and the other is situated in Delaware. However, the size apparently does not fit the ...
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