American History

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American History

American History


In the 19th century, after the revolutionary war, America dramatically changed from its origin. The first and most prominent difference was the change in size and demographics. The nation increased its geographical size from 1800 square miles to 1900 square miles. Due to the geographical expansion, the productive land of United States was multiplied by 14 times which was quite shocking for the people all round the world. The second and change that affected the American society was the geographic distribution of population. In the 18 century only seven percent of the people lived in America, but after the expansion in the 19th c century, the percentage rose to around 60%.

Many researchers believe that reconstruction was a failure and a tragic point in the history of United States. People believe that reconstruction was a failure, because the government did not allow the black to take part in politics. The government never gave human rights and protection to the African American people. This led to many riots and violence in the region. The reconstruction also had diverse affect on the political and economic structure of America.

Nativism is defined as an extreme dislike for immigrants by the local citizens and a desire to limit immigration. After the reconstruction, many black moved to America for economic opportunities, but the white never liked and accepted them. This affected the American society in many ways.


Geographic expansion in United States

The main objective of re construction was to readmit the south into the union and to provide freedom to every individual. The reconstruction period was marked by political, not violent, conflict. The economic expansion had affected the American society in many ways. The changes were quite prominent in the northern part of America, where urbanization, manufacturing and transportation was keenly felt. On the other hand, after the reconstruction wealth was held by a few percentage and they controlled the economy. (Valelly, 2004). 

Although after the expansion, women were given rights but the law was never implemented. Due to industrialization, the role of women in urban was entirely changed. Women used to make homemade mats at home that were a source of income, were produced in small factories. Women used to contribute financially in the family, but after the geographical expansion women were left to nurture home and family and they were not given opportunities.

Another important impact of the geographical expansion was the status of black people. Most of the black people immigrated after the reconstruction in the United States. Even after the reconstruction African American were not given rights as those given to the white people in the South. They could not vote, hold offices or testify against the whites in court. Although slavery was abolished, the condition of blacks was still the same in the southern part. Due to this, many riots also took place between black and the whites and thus lead to violence.

Reconstruction-a tragic period

The twelve year period after the civil is the reconstruction period. The era of reconstruction made the nation ...
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