American National Government

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American National Government

American National Government

There are numerous public policies of the United states of America that are under heated discussions nowadays. Among all the most important one is regarding arms control. Arms control is one policy on which people have mixed opinions. United states government is taking strong actions to reduce the usage of Arms and ammunition. In the recent few months, incidents have occurred in which lots of innocent people have lost their lives. These incidents have attracted millions of people living all over the world raise their voice against arms and ammunication being used by civilians. People are concerned regarding this issue and an unsafe feeling has spread across the country. The U.S. president, Barack Obama, announced on Wednesday a series of 16 proposals to try to reduce violence caused by firearms in the country. Measures are mounted in a report by Vice President Joe Biden after meeting with various sectors of society, mobilization started after the massacre of Newtown in December. The proposals include, among others, a ban on sales of assault rifles, reducing the size of the cartridges and expansion of identity checks for gun owners. In the unlikely event they are approved by Congress, the measures will have limited impact because they are only palliative. Obama cannot actually do this or is trying to impose effective control of small arms such as pistols and revolvers, the ones that cause more deaths because the debate is completely dominated by right-wing paranoid (Carter, 2006).

In theory, the political moment in the United States would be conducive to change the rules of firearms. The massacre of 20 children in Newtown reversed the balance when comparing the number of Americans who prefer gun control before those who favor the right to porting them. According to a survey by Pew ...
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