Analyzing And Evaluating Research Question And Hypothesis

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Analyzing and evaluating research question and hypothesis

Analyzing and evaluating research question and hypothesis


The concept of economic development of the country is entirely dependent on spirited atmosphere in which companies and business partied of the country interact within themselves and with oversees firms to move towards the path of development and providing respectable jobs to the people of the country by implementing on existing business policies. The above-defined process of economic development has witnessed slight change as in modern business environment this process require proper discussion with country jurisdiction and other important sources (feiock et al, 2009).

It is imperative for the economic development that all the necessary institutions must follow the principles of equality and justice while enhancing developing the economy of the country. Hence, researcher in this study aims to find out the reasons of inequality in business activities and as to why some local authorities employ the concept of two-way agreements and other do not. Further, researcher aim to analyze the impact of different economic cost and joint venture in the economic development of the country


Research Design and methodology of the research

To achieve the objective of his research researcher has selected quantitative research methodology and for that, he has planned to use empirical research design. For the collection of data researcher has used secondary sources (articles, journals, and books) and for primary data research questionnaire has been formulated and mailed to government officials belonging to economic sectors. Further, for effective information collection researcher has used the survey tool on the local government organization and has distributed the questionnaire among the high authorities of local government.

Variables of the research

Dependent variable of this research includes people of local government and their steps of engaging in the joint ventures activities with other nations to enhance the economic development of the country. On ...
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